
Charity Shop Finds II

Yesterday was time for my weekly (well, bi-weekly) trip to the local charity shops. For me, the fun is really in the stuff that I don't buy rather than what I do come away with.

Did anyone else love The Rainbow Fish as a child? How adorable are these little prints?

Yes, this is the face I make when looking through a viewfinder! Attractive, I know! Contain yourselves!

I really, really wanted this but a quick Google search revealed it's nigh on impossible to buy the film. I wasn't about to pay £10 for something inoperable so, with a very heavy heart, I put him back on the shelf. They did have a whole collection of cameras, though so maybe I'll pick one up next time.

How adorable is this little fella? Apparently his eyes lit up. I didn't want to get too close because he was just too cute and I knew I'd have to bring him home if I got too attached!

We came very, very close to buying this! However, as I'm not pregnant, it did seem a bit of an odd choice. Still pretty cool though!

Ok, so what I did end up with: A suspender skirt, a Baywatch t shirt that I saw in Primark a little while ago, an H&M cardigan, a flat cap that Rich sneaked onto the counter when I wasn't looking and a whole load of books.

Have you had any luck lately?


  1. I vividly remember being read The Rainbow Fish at reception in infant school! Great finds :)

  2. Not had much luck lately but seeing all this I am v tempted to fit in a trip!

  3. are all those pictures analogy? <3

    1. Do you mean analogue? Nope, I took these all on my DSLR. I really want to get into analogue photography though.

    2. oh yeah me too. i take only lomography, but analogue is amazing.

  4. That Baywatch top is really cool. I really want an old Kodak camera, and I'm sure I have one in my attic somewhere, but the film definitely takes up a lot of the cost of using it xoxo

  5. Is one of those books called Hampshire Murders? As a Hampshire resident who loves true crime (and non-true crime!) books, I feel like I need that in my life! x

    1. Haha yes! I was kind of hoping nobody would look closely enough to see that and think I was a total nutter!

      I'm a Hampshire resident who loves true crime too so I couldn't resist. There was also a sequel called More Hampshire Murders!

  6. What a cute blog!!! I am drooling over those rainbow fish prints!! Gimme!!!

  7. Wow, you picked up some great stuff! Aren't charity shops just the greatest?!

    P.S. I am oggling your blog design right now. SO pretty.


  8. Wow...some fantastically fun finds! That Sci-Fi Baby Name book is so cool! Newest follower via the Wednesday Hop :)

  9. Cute finds! I loved Rainbow Fish when I was little. :)

    Too bad you had to put back the camera! It looks really cool.

  10. I love that a 'sci-fi baby names' book exists!
    And those Rainbow Fish prints bring back sound memories. Good times.

  11. Those are fantastic! It is too bad you have to put back the camera, but polaroid film is tough to find~!



  12. Awww rainbow fish! *memories* I think you made out pretty good for this adventure :3


  13. I loved The Rainbow Fish! I hate when you find a cool camera but the film is super expensive or hard to find :(


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