
Review: Benefit Cha Cha Tint and Sun Beam

Yeah, yeah, another video. I am loving these! This is the last one I have right now so I might need to film some more during the week!

This time I review the teeny tiny Benefit products that I got free in November's InStyle magazine.


  1. I absolutely LOVE Sun Beam, it's amazing! :)

    Having a Mac Makeup giveaway if you want to take a look?



  2. I really want to try Sunbeam, it sounds absolutely beautiful but I'm not sure it'll suit me! <3

    Jennie xo | sailorjennie.com

  3. Cha Cha Tint is one of my faves!! I just started using it over the summer. It gives such a nice peachy glow. I can't use blushes that are too pink because I'm so pale and pink faced already. lol!


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