
My piggy collection

I can't remember the first time I realised I absolutely loved pigs. My first specific memory is from when I was 7 years old and I already loved them then. 

I have so many pigs dotted around the home, it's unreal. I just can't resist a little besnouted piggy! 

This is the pig glove puppet I picked up at Winchester Christmas Market and Mega Pig

I love my Laura Ashley doorstoppers. I had to go to about a billion different branches before I finally found some! 

This is where the majority of my pigs live. The little tiny ones in the bottom right corner are magnets that I also got from Winchester Christmas Market, but a few years ago. The rhinestoned Christmas decoration was a present from Rich, and the three triplets in the back are from Tiger. I couldn't decide which colour to get so I got all three! Right at the back is another glove puppet and a musical, jiggling Christmas pig that grunts Jingle Bells. 

The egg timer was a Christmas present (yep, Christmas again!) from my grandparents. The vintage money box at the front is from I Heart Vintage

The smiling little fella at the top here is Happy Pig. I don't even remember where I got him from. At Reading Festival 2010, I spotted this adorable pig hat. I didn't buy it and regretted it until Download Festival 2011, when I finally found one and snapped it up sharpish. He is being worn by one of the green pigs from Angry Birds. When he's squeezed, he grunts. The postman would have got quite the shock when he squeezed the parcel through the letterbox! 

Finally, I have to end with my Fluffy. I got him when I was 8 years old (Yep, for Christmas!) and he is such an important figure in my life. I know it's a little sad but I really do love this ball of fluff! 


  1. That like me with my Eeyore collections - i love Eeyore so i simple buy every single one i see, i should do a blog post on that some day.
    Your piggy collection is cute. xx

    1. Haha that's exactly what I'm like with pigs!

  2. I'm EXACTLY the same with owls! I had a wee blog post about it last week, ha. Isn't it weird how these obsessions seem to spiral?!xx

  3. haha my mam collects Giraffes and my dad loves anything Wire Fox terrier! Their everywhere in my house :) xx

  4. Hello! I absolutely love your blog and I've never actually commented but I had to on this post. Your piggies remind me of my childhood trips to my great aunt's. She's a pig lover too and had these wonderful little ornaments from a collection called Piggin'. Your post triggered this memory and a quick eBay search shows that they're still around! Check out;PdsSession=fece438013c0a5aa4675cf55fffb6ba4?kw=piggin+ornaments&cmd=SREF&fads=All&call=All&sort=BestMatch&mfs=GOCLK&acimp=0&isNewKw=true Hope the link works - they're piggin' great! Thanks for the memory :-)

    1. I used to love those Piggin' ornaments! I had loads as a kid. I'm not sure what happened to them.

      Ps: You did post it twice so I deleted the duplicate comment :)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I love your collection! I love Pigs I don't even know why I just want to squeeze them haha, I really want a pet one when I get my own place haha! I have a Giraffe collection like this and I saw a giraffe hat at Download festival last year and have regretted not buying it so hopefully they'll have it this year haha!
    Also I love your posts :)
    Kloe xx

    1. I want a pet one too! But I'd be so upset when it dies. I'm not sure if it's worth the pain at the end.

      Definitely try and get the giraffe hat! Download is great for animal hats!

  7. I, very recently, found out I have an all out love of anything elephant. Nearly everything I purchase lately is covered in elephants. I'm also building quite the collection!

    1. Aaaw that's sweet! I saw a wicker elephant the other day. It was so cute!

  8. This is such an adorable post =D I LOVE pigs so much! Thanks so much for sharing your collection! I'm your newest follower via google (689) bloglovin and twitter. Id really love it if you could check out my blog and follow back?

    Twitter: Sensiblestylist

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves pigs!

  9. Piggies are adorable, I love your collection :D

  10. Your collection is adorable! I have to yet to start a little collection of my own, but for now, I'm enjoying everyone else's. I just love little piggies :)


    Modern Buttercup

  11. Got to love a bit of bling pig!


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