
Wedding plans: April

Acquired my wedding ring

Ok, so this doesn't look much like a ring at the moment but it will do! It's my grandma's wedding ring, and she has very kindly offered it to me for my own wedding ring. As she's been wearing it for so long, we had to go to a jewellers to get it cut off, which is why it looks like this at the moment. It has a lovely little story behind it:

My grandparents married in 1955 and my grandma had a teeny tiny wedding band. A few years later, she took it off when cooking and couldn't find it again. They looked everywhere but it was nowhere to be seen. In 1963, my grandparents visited Guernsey, and my grandad bought her a new one. He stood at the window of the ferry and repeated his vows as he placed it on her finger. A while later, my grandma was cooking and finished her tin of Bisto. There, at the bottom of the jar, was her original wedding ring. Ever since, she has worn both wedding rings, but now the Guernsey ring will have a new home on my finger.

Obviously, it needs to be put back together and sized to fit my super small finger. I'm also going to have it reshaped so it fits around my engagement ring. So, when you see it again, it will look a little different to this but it will still be the ring that symbolised a long and very happy marriage. I've always wanted a marriage just like my grandparents', so I'm taking this as a good omen! 

Incidentally, I have also:
Given my engagement ring and wedding ring to the jeweller
Since my wedding ring needs to be reshaped around my engagement ring, they needed to take that one too. My finger feels so naked without it, but I can't wait to see how the wedding ring looks! After consultation with the jeweller, they're going to thin it out so it doesn't overpower my finger, cut out a little section for my engagement ring to slot into and resize it to my tiny size H 1/2! It's going to be perfect! 

Booked the venues
The venues for our England wedding are all booked and paid for: A lovely little pub in Winchester for the meal, and the Winchester Guildhall for a party afterwards. 

Bought bridal leggings
This is a very boring but very necessary part of my wedding outfit. Since we're getting married in Florida in August, I knew I would need leggings. Nobody wants chub rub on their wedding day! I didn't want long leggings since they would be insanely hot and kind of ruin the look. I definitely didn't want black ones either. Can you imagine a lovely mint and white outfit with black leggings poking out the bottom? Then New Look came to the rescue! I found these perfect white cropped ones for £7. Bargain! You probably won't see them under my dress but, if they do peer out from under the hem, they won't spoil the look. I'm thinking of sewing some lace to the cuffs just to make them that little bit prettier. 

Booked the hen do
Last month, I'd had everything organised but I just needed to make bookings and reservations. Now I have booked the tickets to the London Dungeons. Not gonna lie, I'm terrified! 

By the way, if you enjoy reading my blog and would love to see me in Company magazine (let's face it, that would be AMAZING!), you can vote for me here


  1. The story about your grandmother's ring is so lovely!xx

    1. I love that my wedding ring has a story behind it!

  2. That's such a lovely story - and so sweet of your grandma to give you her ring. I'm so sorry to hear you have to be without your engagement ring though! I've been there (I've had two of them break & one cause an allergic reaction!) and it sucks, but it's worth it in the end when it's on your finger for good!

    1. This is my fifth engagement ring haha! It's a very long story!

  3. Oh how very lovely about the ring! I think it will be amazing for you.
    I would have loved my nans ring, but sadly I'm the opposite and have CHUBBY FINGERS, they're redic. And my old little nan had very tiny ones, and sadly wasn't possible to enlarge it.

    Yay for the hen do, how exciting :)

    1. Oh no! Such a shame about your nan's ring! Maybe you'll be able to pass your ring onto a future grandchild ;)

  4. How lovely that the ring will not only symbolise your marriage, but also the love of your grandparents. xxx

    1. They had such a wonderful marriage. I've always wanted mine to be like theirs.

  5. It must be so exciting to have everything coming together and what a lovely story behind your wedding band :)
    Megan x | MeganRoisinn

  6. WAIT wait wait. It took like five years for your Grandma to use up the Bisto? I don't know what Bisto is but it must be a magical sauce that replenishes itself. What am I even talking about. It is a super happy story and I love that ring!

    Also, "chub rub" should be in the dictionary. An excellent phrase indeed.

    Kirsten |

    1. Hahaha I don't know when she actually lost the ring so I don't know how long it took to use up the Bisto. Maybe a couple of years? It's gravy granules so a big jar of it lasts FOREVER!

  7. i feel your pain with the 'chub rub' situation! everyone looked at me weird when I put tights on for my wedding! I got 'why are you wearing them' by everyone that was there when I was getting ready... urm so my legs don't stick together!

  8. That was such a cute story, the ring at the bottom of the bisto made me smile! Good luck with everything :)

    1. I'll just have to keep away from Bisto so I don't lose it too!

  9. Your grandparents wedding ring story is the sweetest! x

    1. Their marriage was even sweeter! They were married for 53 years and so in love, right to the end. Everything that I hope ours will be.

  10. I love the story behind your ring. I also hope for a marriage like my grandparents', and can imagine how wonderful it is for you to be able to incorporate their lovely story into your own.

    1. It makes me so happy to be able to share a little part of their marriage.

  11. Awh, that's such an adorable story ^_^

  12. What an absolutely lovely thing to have on your wedding day. I'd love to do something like that for my grandkids in the future! (If I get married that is, or have any grandkids lol) x


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