
What's on my bedside table

My poor bedside table is an absolute dumping ground. It's only a little cabinet, but it's bursting at the seams with books, magazines and candles. It was high time I gave it a little clear out, so I thought I'd show you what has been living inside it all this time. 
Clockwise (in a spiral motion) from bottom left:
Hot water bottle// Two pairs of scissors (I don't know why there's one pair, let alone two!)// Magazines dating back to 2012// My to-read pile of books// My diary// Passport photos of myself// Beauty samples from magazines// Lavender essential oil// Lip balm box (no lip balm inside)// Benefit lipgloss// Benefit blusher// "Love" sign// Primark, Sainsbury's and Yankee candles// Sudocreme// Candle lighter and lighter// The books I've read this month// The remote for the bedroom light// USB// Tablets// Ticket from Vogue Festival// Pens, pens, pens.

You'll be glad to hear that my bedside table is a lot neater now with only the essentials: Candles, books and my diary. It looks so much nicer! 

By the way, if you enjoy reading my blog and would love to see me in Company magazine (let's face it- that would be AMAZING!), you can vote for me here


  1. Small but at least it's well organized! I personally have a three-tier plastic storage unit for my bedside table but it's not nearly as well put together as yours is! You've given me inspiration to get cleaning!

    By the way, books are such a great thing to have at a bedside table!! <3 Reading!

    1. It was only well organised after I tidied it haha! Before that, it was awful!

  2. I had to laugh at this, my bedside table is tiny and yet it still manages to be packed with things! I probably rearrange it every two weeks or so and I'm always amazed by how many things have accumulated there.

    Nicola //

    1. Haha it's crazy, isn't it? I can't believe how much I packed inside it!

  3. Oh Becky you're just as bad as me!
    Bedside tables are definitely created for dumping things, (I currently have a broken lamp on mine to)
    My cat sneaks on mine in the middle of the night, knocking everything off & giving me a heart attack in the process!

    Isn't sudocreme the best thing in the world?
    Your diary this year is super pretty :)

    Kelly from | Daydreams & Daisychains

    1. I'm so glad it's not just me! When I was a teen, I had a massive set of plastic storage drawers thing and you couldn't even see the surface of it!

      I got my diary from Paperchase :) I've had it about 3 years now haha! Luckily it's just a basic notebook so there are no dates in it.

  4. Mine is kind of like this but my drawers are filled with a lot of rubbish though!
    Lauren | OhHay Blogs!

  5. Great post - I would have so many books in mine, if I had one. :)

    1. It's more of a book cabinet than a bedside cabinet haha!

  6. Hey hun, trying to vote on your blog but it's just asking for mine. Any tips?

  7. It's such a tiny space! Mine is a lot less interesting: Tissues, alarm clock, coaster and a glass from three nights ago ;)

  8. I know haha! I can't believe I squeezed it all in!


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