
Florida: Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure

Although Walt Disney World is by far the superior theme park in Orlando, Universal Studios does have the most exciting rollercoasters so it's always worth a visit. Islands of Adventure is far better than the original Universal Studios park, but it's still necessary to visit both. 

Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit was by far my favourite ride of the holiday. I hadn't been on it before so I didn't know what to expect, but as it turns out, you get to choose a song to accompany you on your ride. I selected Limp Bizkit's Rollin' which, for the record, is the best song for a rollercoaster. I may have been singing along and dancing as I whizzed around. 

Marvel Super Hero Island is home to another of the big rollercoasters- The Hulk. I've never heard anything like it. The roar is truly something and can be heard all around the park, and even at the resort hotels. 

The Jurassic Park section is another of my favourites. The theme tune is pretty much the soundtrack of all my Florida holidays. 


  1. I would love to go there,the rides look phenomenal!

    Have a good day,
    Jessie xo

  2. Ahhh this made me want to go to Universal or a theme park and to go on allll the rides. Looks super fun :)

    Sophie x

  3. I am so jealous of your adventure!

    When I was a teeny girl, my parents promised we'd go to universal studios. I can remember vividly throwing a tantrum when my parents told me we wouldn't be able to go. I have long dreamed to make a visit! Maybe one day :)

    Love your pictures!

    1. Oh no! You poor thing! Hopefully you'll get to visit one day.

  4. I went back in May and I was a bit disappointed by Universal in comparison to Disney :( I think it was because the tickets were so expensive but we managed to do everything in each park before 1pm each day! I think the Harry Potter world made up for it though :D xx

    1. Yep, Universal has nothing on Disney but I still enjoy going.

  5. There is so much going on! Looks amazing and I love a good rollercoaster!

  6. You went to a place called Marvel super hero island................. beyond jealous xox

  7. I ALWAYS listen to Rollin when I go on Rip Ride Rockit, it's like tradition now. Seriously need to get myself back there. Hope you had a good time :) x


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