
Sponsor Becky Bedbug in April

Can we officially say spring is here? Spring always makes me feel so good about blogging! There's something about the sun, the warmth, the smell of the air (does that make sense?) that just makes me insanely productive. This is boding well because, since I'm on Easter holidays, I've been making some changes to my promotion tactics and I'm seeing some real growth. What does this mean? More views on your ads! Hooray!

All my sponsors can expect three emails during the course of their sponsorship: One at the beginning, one halfway through and one at the end. These emails are an opportunity to check in with you, see how things are going and whether you want any advice. I really want my sponsorships to be based on mutual dialogue rather than just sticking your button in my sidebar.

Here's what you get:
- An advert in my sidebar for 30 days
A shoutout on Twitter
- With some options, you'll also get a mention in a sponsor post.

Let's take a peek at the stats:
  • 1900+ on Bloglovin'
  • 1300+ on GFC
  • 6100+ on Twitter
  • 14000+ visitors a month
If advertising's not your thing, there are other ways you can get involved, such as sponsored posts and PR reviews. For all the information, take a look at my sponsorship page here or contact me.

1 comment :

  1. Wow! Becky your doing amazing! I have unfortunately used my add money this month but will keep you in mind! I would love a post on some of your new tips/tricks on how you have grown though would be an interesting read! :) Xx


I read all comments and appreciate every single one, even if I can't always reply. If you have a question or need a reply, feel free to tweet me @BeckyBedbug- I always reply to tweets!