
Sponsor Shoutout // August

What a bizarre summer we've had! The hottest day on record followed by torrential downpours and flooding. At least one thing has stayed consistent, and that's how awesome my sponsors are. 

During the general election, I had many a political chat with Ali Caitrin since our political views are fairly similar (in fact, she was a participant in my who to vote for post!). You'll be glad to hear, however, that if the ins and outs of British politics isn't your thing, there are still loads of reasons to check out Ali's blog. She's first and foremost a book blogger, with an enviable backlog of books read in 2015 and a penchant for Harry Potter, although her lifestyle posts are also well worth a read!


Hayley, the blogger behind Water Painted Dreams, is a girl of many talents! Not only is she insanely clever (she's a chemistry student) but she's a fantastic blogger and she crochets the cutest little elephants ever! Based in Edinburgh, she features restaurant reviews, advice for fellow students and lots of reading posts. If you like your blogs with a bit of everything (which you probably do, since you're reading mine), go and check her out!

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