
Lunch in Odiham

Although I am hugely proud of my county, I haven't actually visited a huge amount of Hampshire. Recently I made the decision to visit a lot more of my home county and started off with a little jaunt to Odiham.
Historic Odiham

Christmas Cottage in Odiham
When I was 15, I visited Odiham on a school history trip and I remember it being a beautiful village. In fact, Marie and I spent a chunk of time in the churchyard checking out the headstones so it's one of my first memories of hanging out in a graveyard.
Burger and chips at Next Door Odiham
We started our visit by getting lunch at a gastropub called Next Door. Although service was insanely slow, even though it was far from busy, the burgers were absolutely delicious. Proper handmade burgers with herbs and onions kneaded into the meat. And it was served medium-rare which is always a plus for me!

Once we'd filled up on burgers and waited approximately 12 hours for the bill, we walked down the highstreet and took the photos for this OOTD. On the way back, we spotted a footpath sign and a quick check on Google Maps showed that it led right to the back of the cemetery. Unfortunately, there wasn't a way in at the back so we had to walk all the way back round again!
Angel gravestone
Mortuary chapels in Odiham Cemetery
The cemetery has two stunning chapels of rest that are reminiscent of oast houses. In fact, there used to be an oast house on the road that runs alongside so I suspect that was the basis of their design. They were designed by a Winchester architect, J Colson, in 1859 and, although they're no longer in use, they are listed buildings.
View of Odiham from the churchyard
Grave of Goliath and Trainette Stoke in Odiham
We ended our visit with a trip to the church where I have such strong memories from 2003 and where the 18th century village stocks still stand.
Beautiful views from Odiham Cemetery

It was a lovely way to spend a sunny afternoon and I can't wait to visit more of Hampshire! 

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  1. Oh this just looks so perfect! The English countryside and its villages are always some of the best places to visit. I love exploring my own county of Yorkshire. It's the best! ❤️

    Bee | QueenBeady.com

  2. I can't help but snigger at the names Goliath and Trainette even though it's terrible that he died so young and she was widowed for longer than she was married. Is that disrespectful of me?

  3. Really nice pics, that place does look stunning and those burgers delicious! It's always annoying when you experience bad service somewhere and then the food is so good because you want to complain but don't feel obliged to after you've eaten such a nice meal :P

    Mel ♥ everyword.meljwills.com


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