
Salzburg in Winter

On our last day in Salzburg, we decided to walk across the Mönchsberg mountain from one side of the city to the other. It curves around the old town from the lift near the modern art museum to the Hohensalzburg fortress where you can catch the funicular, so you can walk across the top of the mountain without actually doing any of the hiking up or down. Bonus! Mönchsberg Terrace
I'd heard it was a nice walk and it certainly was lovely. The path is a road really but it's so quiet that only one car passed us in the whole half hour walk. There's a hotel at the top (the best hotel in Salzburg, according to Trip Advisor) and a few big, beautiful houses which I will buy when I win the lottery but other than that, it's just lovely woodland all around. 
Hohensalzburg Fortress Fog Mönchsberg walk Stuck in tree
Because it had been snowing, the frost was still clinging to the trees and since it was so quiet up there, it felt like we were worlds away from the city below. Every now and then there are terraces where you can take in the view of Salzburg's rooftops but we were there on a very, very foggy day so couldn't see a whole lot!
Winter woodland Pink christmas tree
For the most part, the walk was very gentle with no steep slopes or rocky paths. Then we came to the fortress. If you decide to walk along the Mönchsberg- and I do recommend it- start at the fortress and head towards the modern art museum. There is a very steep path to get to the ticket office and then, to my horror, we discovered there are a load more once you get inside. It's torture! 
Salzburg winter Traditional Christmas tree Handmade children's decoration
We emerged right in front of one of the restaurants at the top of the fortress so popped in for schnitzel. It was very good and I managed to snag the seat next to the radiator so it was a good opportunity to warm up. After having a little look around- and failing to see anything at all over the walls due to the heavy fog- we caught the train back down.
Becky and Rich love lock Salzburg Makartsteg love lock bridge
On our way back to the hotel, we crossed the Makartsteg bridge and added our own love lock to it. There was a small jewellery kiosk in the old town where a lovely, friendly woman was selling locks with free engraving. We made sure to count the panels so we can go back and visit our lock whenever we're there. 
Petersfriedhof in snow Salzburg fortress fog
Salzburg is lovely in winter. I think I preferred the quietness of spring but Christmas is a far nicer time to visit than the crowded summer. At some point, I'll definitely have to return over the festive season.
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  1. Oh wow, what stunning pictures Becky :) I've not been to Salzburg in years (since I was a kid, so many years!) You make me want to go back :)

  2. Oh these photos are gorgeous Becky, it looks like a winter wonderland there! I've always wanted to visit Austria during the wintertime and Salzburg looks like the ideal place to go. I love how magical it looks and decorations are so cosy too. Beautiful! - Tasha

  3. So excited to go to Austria! Definitely want to go to Salsburg one day as well as Vienna!
    Isobel x

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