
A long-overdue catch up

According to Twitter, at least three of you have noticed I've been AWOL over the past four months. In my almost-six years of blogging, this is the longest break I've ever took and it felt a little weird but it was an absolute necessity. Now I'm back and, well, probably not better than ever to be honest. On a par with ever. Woohoo! 

Black Milk Great Wave Marilyn Dress

So where have I been? The answer falls under three headings- dissertation, travel, and personal crap I'm not even going to begin to get into because we'll be here forever and really it's not that interesting.


Oh man, did I underestimate how stressful writing my dissertation would be! I had all these great plans for a set timetable Monday- Friday, chilling out on the weekend, getting it finished early. Yeah, turns out it doesn't work like that. Instead, I was having frequent breakdowns at my desk, drowning in paper (80 pages of notes and 985 pages of reading) and, probably, muttering 'taboo of death' repeatedly in my sleep. It was the most stressful thing I've ever done in my life, not helped by the masses of pressure I pile on myself because, in my mind, anything less than a distinction is a fail. Yay, perfectionism


Immediately after submitting my dissertation (as in, the very next day), we flew out to Florida for two weeks at Walt Disney World. It was exactly what I needed! A fortnight in this weird overly-cheerful bubble where I could completely shut off the outside world and forget all about the stresses of summer. We had the most wonderful time- I could have happily stayed out there for another two weeks. Then, a couple of weeks after we got home, I flew back out to the States. This time, it was to spend Halloween in New Orleans to celebrate my best friend's 30th birthday. Throughout my travels, I still took loads of photos and I have a huge backlog of posts ready to go up over the next few weeks, but it was lovely to just enjoy it and not worry about having to get posts up asap.


Between a surprising amount of socialising, putting a lot of energy into rekindling old friendships and this other ridiculous stuff that has dominated far too much of my life already, I just haven't had the time or inclination to open my laptop. My head has been all over the place and it's been difficult just to focus on the most basic of tasks, let alone creating blog content. Still, I'm in a much better place now and I'm ready to pick up where I left off. 

Just writing this post, I feel better. I have posts planned for the rest of the year and I am ready to plough my way through them. It feels good to be back!

PS: Oh, by the way, as I was writing this post, I found out the results of my dissertation. I only went and got a distinction, didn't I?! GET IN!

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  1. Congrats babe and welcome back.

  2. Congrats on your diss Becky :)

  3. Glad to see you back! Yay for the distinction too :D

  4. I'm glad to see you back :)

    Mel ✨

  5. Woo, congrats on the distinction - that's VERY impressive! And I can see why you needed two weeks of Disney fun to recover from all the work you must have done! x

  6. Wow - congrats on the distinction! All that hard work paid off. Glad you were able to have a nice break away after all that hard work, enjoyed following your travels on Insta Stories. Welcome back! x x


I read all comments and appreciate every single one, even if I can't always reply. If you have a question or need a reply, feel free to tweet me @BeckyBedbug- I always reply to tweets!