
Dave Gorman Gets Straight To The Point

Last year, I was travelling home from work, reading the Metro, and I noticed an advert that actually made me giggle. It was for a show on Dave called Modern Life is Goodish and, since the marketing had caught my attention, I thought I'd give it a whirl. As it turned out, the show was absolutely hilarious and Dave Gorman quickly became my favourite comedian so when we realised he was performing nearby, we snapped up tickets.

Although we'd only been able to get seats in the back row of the balcony, we had a great view that was totally unobstructed by the people in front of us. As Dave Gorman's show is Powerpoint-based (I swear, it's funnier than it sounds!), the huge screen at the back of the stage makes it easy for everybody to see.

The show began with an introduction personalised to each venue. Dave had researched the town to find notable residents and created a short slideshow based around these before introducing his warm up act Nick Doody who had an edgy, intelligent style of humour which, while very funny at times, I also found waned occasionally with some long, awkward silences.

Dave Gorman himself entered the stage with his usual punchy, almost sassy style. There was no self-indulgent walk onstage to the sound of rousing applause. Instead, he distracted us all with a slide and then pop! There he was. 

The theme of the show was exactly the thing I love about Dave Gorman: Taking opportunities. He is the embodiment of the voice in my head that says "I wonder what would happen if...?", except, unlike me, he is not afraid to follow that curiosity through. Whether it's creating fake journo requests on talent sites just to see who would reply, or arranging an Alan Sugar-adorned van to roll up at a dogging site, as seen on one of his recent episodes of Modern Life is Goodish, he has a mischievous, yet completely harmless, desire to find out what would happen if...

Despite this rather immature- but hilarious- approach to his comedy, Dave offsets this with a subtlety and sophistication that requires some element of mathematical knowledge, technical know-how and wry observational skills without taking himself too seriously.

Without a doubt, the highlight of the show for me was Dave's performances of two Found Poems, compiled from the outraged comments from the bottom of news stories, one of which was complete with backing piano by Nick Doody. The interaction between the two comedians on stage was fantastic, and they clearly have an excellent relationship. 

It was a wonderful evening- absolutely hilarious and uplifting. If you get a chance to see Dave Gorman Gets Straight to the Point, I recommend it. Otherwise, have a watch of Modern Life is Goodish on Dave every Tuesday. I promise you'll love it! 


  1. This is a reminder that I need to watch more of his things. The only show of his I've actually seen is that one where people come up with inventions or ideas they've had and I thought it was hilarious, and a brief read of Are You Dave Gorman? in someone's bathroom! Definitely need to look up some more. Glad you had fun!

    Nicola //

    1. I really recommend Modern Life is Goodish. It has me in stitches every week!

  2. I love Dave Gorman and have followed his Flickr account for years. Since watching a lot of Modern Life is Goodish, I've been toying with seeing him live, the whole 'researched the town' thing sounds like fun, he's just really good and I'm pretty jealous right now :)

    1. Definitely see him live when you get the chance!

  3. We are seeing this in Sheffield in December and I am so excited. I think he is awesome!

  4. I've heard a lot about Dave Gorman but never watched anything of his as I thought I wouldn't like it. You've inspired me to investigate now though as he sounds quite similar to James Ward ( and I love his blog.

    Rachel | The Inelegant Wench

    1. I haven't heard of James Ward, so I'll check him out now.

  5. You say his japes are harmless but I was very invested in the rush hour crush story he did on the episode the other day and was pretty sad to find out that the third guy was a lie! on the other hand, the txt he showed from the metro was mine and i was so excited to be on a powerpoint I phoned my mum.

    The Girl Who Looks Like a Cake

    1. Oh no! Still awesome that your tweet was on the show though!

  6. I love this dude! We saw his first Powerpoint tour when he came to Truro a couple of years ago and have his show on series link. Such a legend :)

  7. I just watched a few clips on youtube and he's quite funny. Might have to check a few episodes of the show out


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