
Sponsored Post// Live Fearless

Everybody has something that scares them, right? As a particularly anxious person, I have a lot of fears, which is frustrating as I'm the sort of girl who wants to try everything. I would love to skydive, bungee jump, white water raft... but I'm just too scared.

To conquer this, my friend Laura recently challenged me to do something every day that scares me. Funnily enough, Bodyform are currently running their Live Fearless campaign which encourages us to try something different. Not only can this challenge help you conquer your fears, but you could also win some amazing experiences, such as being whisked off to Spain to throw tomatoes at the biggest food fight in the world. (I actually don't like tomatoes, so maybe that's something I should add to my list!) 

Inspired by this campaign, I'm going to show you three scary experiences that I've recently looked in the eye.

London Fashion Week Casting
I know, this one doesn't seem to make sense, does it? A short, chubby girl who can't walk in heels attending a casting for the biggest fashion event in the world? Meadham Kirchhoff, my favourite designers, put out a call for models of all shapes, sizes and appearances to attend an open casting for their LFW show. Of course I was terrified but I went for it and, you know what? It was a lot of fun! All I had to do was hold up a sign with my name on for a quick headshot, then walk up and down the studio floor twice to the sounds of Madonna. I threw my shoulders back, made eye contact with the casting crew and sashayed my way along the makeshift catwalk. Obviously I didn't get selected but I am so glad I can say that I attended a casting for London Fashion Week! 

Scary TV

I can't watch horror films. I am the biggest wimp in the world. Seriously, The Sixth Sense is pushing it for me! However, I absolutely love Release the Hounds and, with Rich's current work schedule, I usually have to watch it alone... and I love it! It absolutely terrifies me, and I often squeal in horror, but it's so thrilling. I'm very proud of myself!  

Getting diagnosed

This is a pretty big departure from the above experiences, but also something I am immensely relieved about. After 15 years of dermatillomania, I've finally opened up to my doctor and received a formal diagnosis. He'd never heard of it before and had to look up my symptoms. In fact, he told me that his software didn't even have dermatillomania listed. However, he was very supportive and has referred me for treatment. I cannot tell you how glad I am that I told him. 

So I'm challenging you. This week, do something that scares you. Whether that's reaching out to an old friend or jumping out of an aeroplane, take a deep breath and go for it! Don't forget to let me know what you're going to do- I'd love to hear all about it!

This post is sponsored by Bodyform but all thoughts are my own.


  1. Well done! An inspiring post if ever there was one. I loved reading this and I really do feel inspired. Facing fears can be big or small, and I'd definitely like to tackle some of my own.

    ..Scary films not a problem for me though... As long as I'm with someone obviously! haha.

    Jemma xx

    1. Let me know if you decide to tackle your fears!

  2. I'm absolutely shitting myself about the cosparade at mcm so that's my thing xox


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