
101 in 1001 XXXIII

There is now exactly one year to complete my goals. By some happy coincidence, I completed my original series exactly 1001 days before December 31st 2017. It pleases me so much that it ends on the last day of the year. Since I've only got 365 days left, I need to start taking stock of what I've got left to complete and find out ways to squeeze them in during 2017. Still, that's getting a bit ahead of myself. Let's look at what I achieved in December.

#16 Visit Germany
Hamburg Weihnachtsmarkts
In my last update, I mentioned that I was going to Germany at the end of November. Ami and I visited Hamburg, and I also squeezed in a little trip to Munich before Christmas.

#22 Visit Salzburg
I returned to my spiritual hometown and it was just as wonderful as I expected. 

#51 Visit 10 new-to-me cemeteries 8/10
This was actually achieved when I visited Stockholm in November but I forgot to add it to my recap. We visited the Adolf Fredriks churchyard which was blanketed in snow. 

#90 Read 125 books 83/125
Black and white books
One year left and only 42 books to read. I'm going to surpass my target! I didn't quite make my 60-for-2016 goal but 52 books this year isn't bad.

#96 Visit 10 new-to-me museums 12/10
Traditional Christmas tree
I'm definitely going to have to increase my target next time. Visiting the Christmas museum in Salzburg has brought my total up to twelve. I didn't take any photos but it was a really cute collection of 1800s and 1900s Christmas paraphernalia. 

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  1. The Christmas museum sounds wonderful! Well done on doing so well with these goals, so far, and good luck for the year ahead! x x

  2. Your original 101 in 1001 really inspired me. I took on the challenge after seeing your posts and it really helped me enrich daily life. Thanks so much Becky and good luck on your next 101! x


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