
101 in 1001 XXXVI

I'm trying really, really hard not to wish my master's away. I keep thinking 'I can't wait until my work is over so I can have a life again' and then realising this means my MA will be finished, which is a sad thought! I just love studying, ok? As you might imagine, this means I haven't done a great deal towards my goals in April or May, which seems to be what I say at the beginning of every month! I've got a huge amount of things planned for autumn/winter 2017 though so I'll more than make up for it later.

#49 Get my teeth whitened

Selfie Slytherin Dress

Bad quality selfie because I'm still getting used to smiling with my teeth showing! I started this in March but forgot to include it in last month's post. Man, teeth whitening is a pain. I'm doing the at-home course from my dentist which is supposed to take two weeks but I've taken a little break until after my next appointment. Sitting with mouth guards in for two hours, not able to swallow, having gel and saliva building up in your mouth is a horrible, horrible sensation. As if that's not bad enough, I then have to deal with intense sensitivity afterwards. Ugh. Still, I'm halfway through and my teeth are looking good! They're not white at the moment but they're brighter and paler- more like a luminous beige. Hopefully the remaining 7 days will sort that out!

#56 Watch 50 new-to-me films 29/50

Beauty and the Beast I Daniel Blake film poster

I watched the new Beauty & the Beast with my best friend Laura. Of course nothing can beat the original but we loved the scenes with LeFou and Gaston, although we're majorly disappointed that they didn't include the scene where LeFou disguises himself as a snowman. It's right there in the original! You had complete approval for Josh Gad to reprise his snowman skills. And you threw it away! 

We also watched I, Daniel Blake and it's hard to watch but so, so important too. I'd only heard amazing things about it and I really recommend it. It was perhaps a little predictable but in a way in which you know what's going to happen because you see it so many times. The very predictability of the film highlights that there is a real problem within our society. 

#66 See 10 exhibitions 3/10

Amy Winehouse Camden Street Art Graffiti

This works well because it was actually something I did for uni. Part of my dissertation includes the death and legacy of Amy Winehouse and, as luck would have it, there is currently an exhibit at the Jewish Museum in Camden all about her life. As part of the exhibition, there's also a street art trail around the streets of Camden. I had an hour spare before Helen's hen do in Camden earlier this month so, although I didn't have time to visit the museum exhibition, I did track down all the street art. Every piece is stunning and it was really fun to hunt for each one. Definitely something to check out if you're in London soon.

#88 Shoot 10 rolls of film 1/10

St Peter's Church Riga

When I wrote this goal, I'd recently received my Diana F+ camera and wanted to use it more. I intended to shoot 10 rolls of film on that. However, I quickly learned that a) I wasn't very good and b) it was a pain to splash out on getting the film developed only to discover not a single photo was identifiable. However, for Christmas last year, Rich got me an Instax Mini and it's so much better! Although I was terrible at first, printing the photo immediately means you can see where you've gone wrong and adapt it for the next shot, rather than wasting an entire roll of film. I've almost finished two rolls of film now so it looks like I might actually end up completing this goal which I'd written off months ago. 

#90 Read 125 books 114/125

Eleven Kinds of Loneliness The Goldfinch

I only read two books in April but I made up for that in May with six. You can find out what I thought about them here and here. Only 11 to go and I'll have met my goal early! I'm over halfway through my 2017 goal too. It's going well!

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1 comment :

  1. You're doing pretty well with your goals! The Amy Winehouse street art trail sounds really interesting too. x x


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