I am so excited by the JW Anderson x Topshop collection. This surprises me because I'm not usually overwhelmed by JW Anderson. That was until I saw this collaboration. Look at this amazing bat jumper. I have one winging it's way to me right now (See what I did there? Winging. Geddit?).
However, by the time I got to it, the largest size available was a size 12. I'm sure I'll squeeze into it, although I might have a rather chubby bat on my chest with tiny little wings!
Steve Trewhella takes photos of rubbish that he finds on the beach. They're actually quite beautiful photos, despite the subject matter.
I'm going to come out and say that I think Boris Johnson is amazing! I really wish he would run for prime minister. Not because he's funny, or because his hair is hilarious, (although both of those are true!) but because I truly think he would lift the morale of this country off the roof. His Olympics speech here is the best example of this. Yes, it's hilarious but it's also so rousing and moving. It brought a tear to my eye!
I'm so excited because this week I won two bottles of perfume! The last time I won anything, I was 8 years old and my prize was a bouncy penguin after winning a competition in the local paper.
So you can imagine my delight when I saw my name and image on The Perfume Shop's Facebook page, announcing me as the winner of a 50ml bottle of my choice! I went for Dior Miss Dior. I was planning to buy this for our wedding next year so I thought it made sense to get the bottle for free!
Then, less than a week later, a surprise parcel turned up. I'd been one of the first 100 people to request a sample of Boss Nuit and therefore had won a full-sized bottle. What a great week for a fragrance addict like myself!