While in Austria, I found the combination of bright sun and mountain air was really drying out my lips. I'd arrived sans-lip balm so, during my day trip to Vienna, I took the opportunity to get a fancy German-language balm from Lush. After sniffing all the possibilities, I settled on Honey Trap (or, as I like to call it Honey von Trapp)
OOTD // George Knitwear Club
Normally, I would be curled up in a ball in a corner of my sofa crying right about now. The impending autumn means one thing: Back to school. This year, however, now that I'm not going back into the classroom (as the teacher, at least!), I can really appreciate how exciting it is when the seasons start turning. It's time to dig out my woollies and, to make sure our knitwear is fully prepared for the cold months ahead, George at Asda have shared the best tips on how to care for knitwear, both from a knitwear expert and some familiar faces.

OOTD // Orange Folk Dress
After visiting Austria and wearing this adorable folk dress, I thought it would be fun to find a similar dress for my summer trip. This orange Alice & You number was perfect with its light crepe material and bright embroidered detail.

Nails // OPI Dulce de Leche
After my little exploration into the world of brightly coloured nails, I decided to tone it down again this time. I'm going away so wanted a simple, versatile shade that would go with every outfit I packed. There was only one nude at the nail salon that I haven't already tried so I figured it was time to give OPI Dulce de Leche a go.
Blogosphere Summer Party
Remember back in April when I was invited to the Blogosphere Tea Party? This month I popped down to the Blogosphere magazine summer party and it was just as lovely!

Discovery Tours Jack the Ripper Tour
Newer readers may not know that I'm really into true crime and have a specific interest in serial killers. (If this is the first post of mine you've read, I promise the rest of my content is a lot less morbid!) I can still remember when my interest was first piqued- I was nine years old, reading the Horrible Histories Vile Victorians book and came across the recount of Jack the Ripper. I was absolutely fascinated and that was the start of a lifelong interest in the crimes of this mysterious Victorian figure. Although I've read many books on the subject, I had never explored the exact locations of the infamous case and had been meaning to attend a tour for the longest time. Then Discovery Tours offered me a place on their Jack the Ripper Tour and I finally had my chance!

Review // The Body Shop Tea Tree Range
The smell of tea tree always takes me back to my teens. My very first cleanser was a sticky yellow concoction of tea tree and witch hazel which, while not particularly effective, did smell incredible! Tea tree oil is especially great at targeting blemishes which, as we all know, a far from a teenage-only problem so thankfully The Body Shop has a gorgeous tea tree skincare range with no dodgy yellow liquid in sight!
Review // Lush The Olive Branch Shower Gel
The Olive Branch is a Lush classic but somehow has completely evaded my bathroom until now. When I popped into Lush Oxford Street for a new shower gel, I was convinced by the very lovely sales assistant that I needed this one and she was absolutely right!
Review // Garnier Micellar Oil-Infused Cleansing Water
Looking back over all the micellar waters I've tried, I think Garnier was the best. Yes, it had its downsides, but is much better than any I've used since. When I looked for a new one, I stumbled upon the Oil-Infused Cleansing Water in Boots and it seemed perfect. Over the past year or so, my skin has become dry so I'm eager to try anything that may help with that. This product has certainly helped!
OOTD // Rainbow Polkadot Dress
Can we talk about how amazing this dress is? It's my new favourite dress by a long shot, what with the bright polkadots and the adorable little pom pom trim. I also get a huge amount of compliments whenever I wear it- including from Rylan.

Nails // OPI I Just Can't Cope-acabana
I've been eyeing up this bright yellow shade for a long time but it always scared me. Was yellow going to be too outlandish compared to the nudes and pinks I usually go for? For whatever reason, this time I felt like taking a risk and was possibly buoyed up with the success of my yellow bridesmaid dress, so I went for it and man, I'm glad I did!
Hollywood Bowl Basingstoke
I like to think I'm surprisingly good at bowling. I'm not. I'm rubbish, but I like to think it. So when Hollywood Bowl got in touch asking if I would like to pop down to their refurbished bowling alley, I was excited to show off my amazing bowling talents!

OOTD // Yellow Lace Bridesmaid
A couple of days ago, I shared my photos from Leona's wedding. Since the focus was on Leona and Liam's day, I figured it would make more sense to create a separate post showing what I wore (didn't stop me including a massive photo of my face though!)