OOTD // Miffy with TruffleShuffle

My Keratin Experience

My Solo Eurovision Adventure
May Wishlist
101 in 1001 XXXVIII
As I said in my last 101 in 1001 post, the first of this third list, I've made a conscious effort to make sure my goals are realistic. I've set up a little spreadsheet and everything so I can plan when I'm going to achieve them and tick them off when they're completed. This new approach means I've got off to a really great start, with ten in progress, three completed and a further twelve arranged for the next couple of months. I'm determined to get as much done as possible this time!
#1 Visit 10 new-to-me foreign cities 1/10
#1 Visit 10 new-to-me foreign cities 1/10
Back in March, I popped over to Copenhagen for a little solo day trip. It was my first experience of flying somewhere for a day, and my 8 hours in Denmark were the perfect way to visit a new city (and a new country, for that matter) without using up a lot of time and money. I'm already looking into potential cities for my next day trip.