Eep, October has been a terrible month for working towards my 101 in 1001 goals! To be fair, I had Bloggers' Halloween to organise so I didn't have a lot of spare time.
Now, I'm posting this on Halloween, so the party hasn't happened yet. This means all of the goals tied to that will have to wait until November. I'm a rebel, I know.
#13 Meet a blogger in real life
#53 Pick up knitting again
I've attempted knitted twice in my life: My grandma taught me when I was about 8, and I taught myself again when I was 21 or so. I never actually made anything, just created rows of stitches. However, when I saw the Innocence Big Knit adverts, I was inspired to start making little hats. And I did it! I'm very proud of myself!
#96 Read 75 books
This takes my total up to 39. I'm getting there!