Well it's been a busy month for my 101 in 1001!
#13 Meet a blogger in real life
I met too many to count this month! (Ok, it's not too many to count, it was 15)
#14 Go to a blogger meet up
Well, I organised a blogger meet up. (Technically this was October but, as it was the very last day of the month, I couldn't fit it into last month's post).
#15 Attend a blogging event
I went to the press event for the opening of Boux Avenue in Southampton and chilled out with Theo Pathitis.
I also made shoes at the Rainbow Club Alter Ego to Die For event.
#68 Buy a granny blanket

I actually bought this pink and green granny blanket in October but I completely forgot that it was one of my goals.
#72 Collect my perfume wishlist
My Marc Jacobs Daisy collection is increasing!
#76 Buy a new camera
I bought my new Colin and I love him!
#96 Read 75 books
Only three books this month. Not my best but The Grapes of Wrath is so hard-going. It's so slow!
#101 Watch the backlog of films I've downloaded
I finally got around to watching The King's Speech. It's absolutely beautiful!
Well, I thought The King's Speech was beautiful, and then I watched The Great Gatsby. Oh my goodness, I've never seen a more beautiful, heartbreaking film. I read the book as part of my A levels when I was 17 and absolutely hated it. This film has changed everything.
By the way, you know how I always take a photo of the opening titles to use in these posts? I waited for 13 minutes at the beginning of The Great Gatsby to get the shot and it never came. Turns out, it appears as the very last scene. The ending is the beginning. My mind is blown!
Rich has finally convinced me to watch Ghost. I wish he hadn't bothered. My word, that film is not worth the hype!