
Day in the life of Becky: November

Saturday was a crazy busy day for me! I had a press event in the morning and a local event in the evening so I was all over the place! Perfect day for taking a photo an hour.

6am This time should not exist at the weekend.
7am A beautiful sky just before sunrise. 
8am Watching the sun rise over the countryside as the train speeds through fields.
9am Arriving at Boux Avenue.
10am Checking out the pretty lingerie. 
11am Trying out one of the Costa White Hot Chocolates. It was disgusting!
12pm Reading the John Lewis Christmas catalogue on the train home.
1pm Back home and time to relax with my candle lit. The amount of soot this candle produces is insane!
2pm Editing photos from the morning. 
3pm A lovely bubble bath. 
4pm Having a nap! 
5pm Pretty lights through the bus window.
6pm KFC for dinner. Yum!
7pm Awesome graffiti! 
8pm At the fairground!
9pm Quick snap in the taxi!
10pm Very, very tired so time to go straight to sleep!


  1. Well - I won;t be trying the Costa White Hot Chocolate then! (I do recommend the gingerbread latte though)
    Megan x | MeganRoisinn


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