
Fireworks Night

I really love playing with sparklers! Unfortunately, our local fireworks display was postponed due to bad weather (which ended up being fine), so prepare for lots of fireworks photos in a couple of weeks. Instead, we played with sparklers in the garden. I'm such a child- I can't help but try and write my name!

We got these "monster coloured" sparklers. I wasn't entirely sure what colour a monster was but, as it turns out, they're red and white. Mostly white.

Ooh, I feel all like Tracey Emin now! 


  1. What a shame that the display was postponed! At least you got to have some fun with sparklers :) xx

  2. These pictures are fab Becky, I love them! The 'love' one is my favourite :)

    Alana x
    Alana Gets Healthy

    1. Thanks Alana! I think that's my favourite too!

  3. So cool! We couldn't find any sparklers in the shops but me and my housemates had a few mates over and we have a fire bin so made a fire in the back :) it's such a fun night! x


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