
A Mother-Daughter Day with Festival Place

Remember I wrote that post all about my mum for Mothers' Day (which she did see, by the way!)? Well we headed over to Festival Place for a mother-daughter day of pasta, shopping and frequent trips to see if the Debenhams brow bar was available.
Instax Mother Daughter
When we arrived, we headed straight to Customer Services to pick up our gift card courtesy of Festival Place. The three members of staff were really helpful and when one of them wasn't clear what a blog was, my mum took great delight in telling her all about it! In fact, my mum would be a great blogger herself- all through the day she kept saying 'why don't you write about this?' and 'do you want to take a photo of this?' Maybe she could start mummy!

As it was lunchtime, we moved onto Pizza Express where we had a table reserved and took advantage of the Mothers' Day special of three courses for £17.95 which included my usual meal- dough balls, pollo pesto and chocolate brownie- as well as a glass of Prosecco. 
Pizza Express Mothers' Day
Much to our surprise, we ended up in Pizza Express for two hours! Our meals were just so good that we wanted to take it leisurely! It was funny watching all the other tables fill up and empty around us because every single person was there with their mum. 

When we'd finally left, we headed to Debenhams so I could get my brows done. We'd popped in before our meal but the lady was busy, and when we made it back, she was on her lunch. While we waited for her to return, we looked around the shops. First I went to Lush to pick up the Easter collection, at which point my mum decided that was a convenient time to return the missed call from my brother so it just made much more sense to wait outside while she did that (read: 'I hate the smell of Lush so I'll just wait for you over here...'). Afterwards, we looked for ways for my mum to spend her gift card.
Pizza Express cake and Coffee
The first thing she wanted was some Benefit High Beam since hers has run out, but even though she knew exactly what she wanted, we still had fun looking at all the different products. Then we went over to M&S to look at shoes and underwear, while the shop assistant started talking to us about skirts- specifically this one, which I really really want although I'm 80% sure I'll look like the lovechild of Miss Piggy and a 1970s sofa. As I said in my last post about her, my mum talks to people everywhere she goes. There must just be something about her face that screams 'talk to me!' because it never happens to me (thankfully- I'm not too good with small talk!). We also had great fun trying on ugly green furry pool sliders in River Island. Remember Muzzy? Looks like his fur is now a commodity. Poor Muzzy!

When we returned to Debenhams, the brow lady was back and available. Hurrah! FYI, I go to the Arch Angelz bar, always on a Sunday because that's when Corinne works and she's fab: quick, efficient, approachable and absolutely lovely to chat to. Plus, I trust her completely with my brows and she always does an amazing job! If you're near Basingstoke, I highly recommend her. Saying that, I'd been saying to my mum 'oh she's so quick, it will literally take 2 minutes. There won't be time for you to look around. You might as well wait with me' and then, of course, we all got chatting away and it took much longer than usual! Still, it's that level of customer attention that always impresses me.

By this time, it was getting close to shop closing time, so we headed back to the car. I think my mum loved her day out with me because I've seen her approximately a million times in the few days since. She says her car broke down so she needs me to help with lifts and picking up my little bro but maybe she's just saying that so she can hang out with me more!
If you want a special day with someone close to you, consider a Festival Place gift card. Having received one for Christmas, and now having the opportunity to pass one over to my mum, I can confirm that they're always very well received!

A huge thank you to Festival Place for booking our reservation at Pizza Express and providing my mum with a gift card to make her day special.

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1 comment :

  1. How lovely for you both to enjoy a day like that together! Never been to pizz express, definitely have I go there at some point!

    Isobel x

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