
10th November 2014

Catsuit: ASOS
Hairpiece: c/o Annabelle's Wigs

Becky, you know Halloween has gone right? Yes, yes, I know. I just love the holiday so much that I cannot resist snapping up all the discounted stuff in early November and saving it for next year. One such item is this incredible ASOS ghost-print catsuit. I bought a size 18, but it's actually pretty big, especially around the chest where it hangs down far too low. I should have gone for the 16 instead but never mind. I can always sew some darts in the chest.

It annoys me that the print doesn't line up in the front but this piece is so versatile that I don't care. I could wear leggings over it to have it as a long-sleeved top, I could wear with a different top and just have the leggings poking out. I could also pop a skirt on, going for a matching top-and-leggings deal or, of course, I could just leave it in all its catsuity glory!


  1. That catsuit looks amazing on you! Very festive :)


  2. Ahhhhhh this is SO CUTE! It really suits you! Have you seen the @hellocavities Instagram? They have some suuuper cute bat print sweaters I think you'd love ;) x

  3. Oh, I love it! Very fetching :)

  4. I've just come over from your year in outfits post as I just had to comment in how amazing you look your curves are killer xxx


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