
Review // Lush Baby Face Solid Cleanser

If I'm honest, I didn't need another cleanser. But then Baby Face popped up in the Kitchen and it was only £4 so I figured why not give it a whirl? Boy, am I glad I did! Yes, it's got a really creepy face but trust me, it's worth it!
Lush Baby Face Solid Cleanser Review

Baby Face is a solid cleanser made from cocoa, avocado and shea butters. I wasn't entirely sure how to use it at first but the Lush site helpfully had a video demo. Using it like a piece of soap, you rub it over your face and then using a damp cloth or cotton wool, you wipe any dirt or make up off. Honestly, this made me uneasy. All I could think of was all that grime sitting on the cleanser between uses so instead, I use it as part of my double cleansing regime. I use micellar water to get rid of as much as possible, then use Baby Face as the next step.

Since it's made of natural butters, it starts to melt really easily at body temperature but not so much that it's unmanageable. Similar to a massage bar, once I massage it on my face, the butters and oils (coconut and tangerine) are released. It's really easy to use and wiping the excess off is simple too, with no greasy or oily residue.

With vanilla as well as the butters and oils, it has a really interesting smell. I find it reminds me of Ultrabland with a slight lavender hint, even though it's not an ingredient.


Since using Baby Face, my skin has been in fantastic condition. The annoying dry patches that had started popping up on my cheeks have completely disappeared and after use, my skin feels exceptionally smooth, thanks to all the butters that are included, as well as cleansed. It's a very gentle product too so it's suitable for sensitive skin and I find the scent is particularly soothing at night. Plus, it lasts for absolutely ages!

I absolutely love Baby Face. Even though it's creepy af, I'll definitely be repurchasing when it next pops up in the Kitchen. Such a moisturising, cleansing product and a real steal too!
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  1. I wish I'd got my hands on this when it was in the Kitchen, it sounds fab! Although I have to agree, what is with that creepy doll face!?

    Anna xx | Anna Hopeless

  2. I think I need to go to a bigger Lush store or browse their online shop more frequently because I never see half the cutie products a lot of ladies have! This looks so cute and I have extra dry skin so it might be just what I need!! =P Thank you for sharing!!

    Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  3. Ooo I don't usually use Lush products but your review has really made this appeal to me.. I may give it a go!

  4. I really want to try this, I've never used a solid cleanser before and this one sounds amazing. I'll definitely have to work on ignoring the face though, I have a huge fear of dolls aha.

    Andini xx | Adventures of an Anglophile 

  5. It reminds me of the illustration of the man on the moon. Creepy af

  6. I think this is a product that was available several years ago! I remember using it for eye makeup and the creepy face was the same. I hope it comes back!

  7. OMG the face on this!! I actually love it so much and the combination of ingredients sounds amazing.

    Definitely need to pick myself up one


  8. I love the look and sound of this when I was browsing Lush's website a few months ago, I'm actually gutted it's not there any more cos now I want to try it even more! :( The face is defo grim though hahaha.

    Amanda Jayne | beauty, style, life


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