
Winter at Lush Reading

Lush's Christmas collection is possibly my favourite thing about this time of year, and you better believe I've already bought it all! Last weekend, I was kindly invited to Lush Reading to check out the collection after hours.
Lush Cranberry face mask
Big bottles of Snow Fairy
1kg of Snow Fairy, anyone?
Lush Christmas products
Lush Snowman jelly
The Snowman shower jelly is one of my favourite Christmas products so my eyes lit up at the sight of this massive jelly! I wonder what they do with him after Christmas?
Lush Magic Star
Luxury Lush Pud
Lush Butterbear
 A pile of Butterbears!
Lush Yog Nog Bath Bomb
Lush Rose Jam Shower Gel
Lush Magic of Christmas Bubble Bar
I'm so excited to try the Magic of Christmas bubble bar which smells just like marzipan!
Lush Death and Decay Perfume
This perfume sounds right up my street! 
Lush Gift Set Cannon
Keep an eye out for my Lush Christmas review in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, you can check out the Christmas products here.

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  1. I've never seen the jelly snowman before! I like the look of that! I haven't seen anything in Lush yet, I can't waaait to get paid to buy some of it! Everyone always raves about Rose Jam and Snow Fairy, I need to try those too xx

    Tamz |

  2. A kilogram of Snow Fairy is way too much for me. I love it but I think I would get fed up with it halfway though.

    Raise The Waves

  3. I went to Lush for the first time ever today and left so poor but I smell FANTASTIC

  4. Your photos are so beautiful! Also can't believe you were in my home town and I didn't know! Give me a shout next time!!

    Lauren - Blonde Vision

  5. Your photography is absolutely amazing! Gutted I couldn't make it to the Lush Reading winter event! Looking forward to your reviews :)

    Rachel | Beauty and the Bird / Win a MAC lipstick on my blog!

  6. The cranberry face mask looks great - definitely on my Christmas wish list!!

  7. I got two of the little bear and I'm so loathe to use him...he's too cute! x


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