
London Aquarium Sea Life Centre

Every year, Rich's work rewards some of their workers with a fun day trip. Last year we went to Thorpe Park and this time, the trip was a Wagamamas followed by a visit to the London Sea Life Aquarium. For reasons I'm not entirely sure about, one of my 101 in 1001 goals was to visit the aquarium so that was very handy! Shark silhouette

On South Bank, just next to the London Eye, the aquarium isn't in the most convenient of places. It's incredibly busy outside so queueing is a pain but, as we were such a large group, we had the benefit of skipping the line. 
Spotty fish London Aquarium
Inside, it was very warm and very busy, although this was probably due to the fact that we went in the middle of half term. To be honest, I don't find fish particularly interesting but I do love sharks so the huge tank was a highlight for me. I also got to touch a starfish which was every bit as spiky as you'd imagine!
Silver shark Nemo Clown Fish
The tank of rays was fun because the fish kept swimming up to the surface and flapping about. I think they liked the cameras! 
Stingray Brown spotted ray flat fish
After meandering between the fish tanks, we came upon the turtles which were lovely! The seahorses were also exciting- especially these weird ones camouflaged as pieces of seaweed!
Small turtles aquarium Seahorse and grass Seahorse profile Seaweed sea horse Seahorse Camouflage
Finally, right at the end and to my utter delight, we entered the penguin zone. PENGUINS! Unfortunately, but understandably, this room was absolutely packed so you had to wait patiently just to secure a spot next to the glass, and the speedy little buggers were impossible to snap a clear photo of, but it was lovely to see them splashing around in the water. Who doesn't love a penguin?
phone photo fish aquarium Glowing fish Aquarium crowd
I'm glad we had the opportunity to visit but I probably won't be returning. The heat and crowds just don't balance out the shark-and-penguin excitement.

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  1. I love the London aquarium !I probably visited like 5 times! I just love see life a lot. Lovely pictures.


  2. Well my boyfriend clearly needs to get a job like Rich's! I LOVE visiting the aquarium, but have never been to London's one. I don't think I will be going either - I'd much prefer a quieter venue

    Steph - www.nourishmeblog.co.uk

  3. Fab pictures Becky!
    I know what you mean about anywhere on the Southbank like that though, so busy - if you're ever way up North, The Deep in Hull is fab :)
    ♥ Fran - www.frannymac.com xx

  4. I love the sea life aquariums! It makes me just step out of the real world for an hour or so!

  5. Aquariums are one of my favourite places to visit! I've never been to London Aquarium yet, but it's moved higher up my list with the shark and penguin inclusions! x www.aimeeraindropwrites.co.uk x


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