
101 in 1001 IV

I'm really glad to have picked up this project again. It encourages me to actually do things each month and gives each month a purpose. I've got 765 days to go, and I've crossed off (or at least partially crossed off) 21. Hmm... I'd better get a move on! 

#19: Attend London Fashion Week
Yes, I've already done this. However, I've done it again. Luckily for me, it was a lot less terrifying this time! 

#44: Attend a Stuff & Nonsense workshop
I've wanted to attend one of these for the longest time. It's basically an... erm... unusual craft workshop that I've alluded to before. It was a lot of fun and I'll definitely be attending the next one! 

#67: Read 14 books
This is one of those in-progress goals. As a child, I adored reading. I would read everything. I even memorised the back of shampoo bottles after reading them in the bath so many times. Unfortunately, since starting work, I'm so busy each day that, by the time I get home, I'm too exhausted to read anything more challenging than Company magazine! Last year I read a grand total of 2 books. It's heartbreaking! However, I've made it a target to read a book roughly once a month, choosing from the list of 1001 books you must read before you die. This month, I've finished Lolita. I'll write up a review on it shortly to avoid making this post too long now. Basically, I've loved it! 


  1. These type of posts of yours gas inspired me to write an complete a list if "40 things to do before I'm 40". :) can't believe I missed you at LFW- I was probably drinking be less tea

    Ps I'm celebrating my first blog birthday with a giveaway if you would like to enter to win an amazing collection of things including a beautiful velvet turban from Crown and Glory

    1. Aaw it's a shame we didn't bump into each other. Good luck with your list!

  2. Man, I need to take a look at mine... I think mine finishes next year and I don't even want to know how many I have left! Good job on completing yours though :)

    I'm going to email you soon about the books I'm reading. Just FYI! ;) x

    1. You're going to have a mad rush in the last two months to get everything finished.

      Looking forward to your email- I'll be sitting at the laptop with baited breath!


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