FF CXI: Halloween Special
Midge's photos of Halloween in Hoboken are perfect! I wish the UK went all out like America!
Check out Lynne's guide to Edinburgh Halloween spookiness.
Hazel's Halloween treats look delicious!
Weekly Wishlist
I love these skeleton leggings.
The cutest spooky dress!
I need this cat mask iPhone case in my life!
Favourite Links
Since it's Halloween, and I've been facing my fears, I challenge you to do the same. Benenden Health want to hear all about your unusual fears*, and I'd love to know them too!
These pumpkin carvingsg are insane!
51 pugs who want Halloween to be over. So adorable!
Ok, inside-out teddies look insanely creepy!
A fantastic article on making a disability-friendly Halloween.
Thank you for the mention hun! so lovely of you :) xx