
Wishlist: Asos Cat Eye Sunglasses

I would pretty much sell my soul in an instant to own a pair of Prada's pink winged sunglasses. I would give up Diet Pepsi for a year for them... and that's a big deal!

Unfortunately, I don't have £200, give or take, to spare at the moment (actually, that's a lie. I could totally afford that seeing as I spent half of that in Primark alone last month. It's just that having left uni less than a year ago, I can't quite shake that student attitude to spending!).

However, there is hope! Check out these Asos babies!

You know, I think I actually prefer these to the Prada ones! The best bit? They're £15. Get in!

Oh, and whilst we're talking about Prada, have you seen their spring/summer 12 video campaign? It is absolutely beautiful!

1 comment :

  1. oh my dayzzz those prada glasses are TOO BEAUTIFUL. they remind me of a vintage car! x


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