101 in 1001 XXXI
October has not been the most productive of months. Actually, that's not strictly true. It's been incredibly productive but, unfortunately, not many of the things I've been doing have been on my list.
#56 Watch 50 new-to-me films 24/50
I watched Look Who's Back, based on the satirical novel of the same name which I reviewed here. At first, it was hysterically funny (at least, it is if you have a very dark sense of humour) but the mood very gradually changes until a chillingly prophetic closing scene which will stay with me for a very, very long time. Everybody should watch it and reflect on our current society.
#61 See 5 shows 7/5
After years of wanting to see it, I finally booked tickets for Chicago. I have a review going live in a couple of days so look out for that. I'm really impressed with how many shows I've seen- I have another three planned so my total will be in double digits by the end of my 1001 days!
#90 Read 125 books
Two books. Wow, well done Becky. I'm still working my way through my summer reading list! When I didn't complete my summer reading last year, I just gave up once autumn rolled around and ended up going the whole year without completing some of the books I'd intended to. This time, to avoid that happening again, I decided to just keep working my way through the pile until it's finished. Only two to go now! Unfortunately, I've got behind on both my yearly target and my 1001 day target. I'm reading more than ever but not books, which brings us nicely to...
#98 Start a master's degree 75/125
To be honest, I can't quite believe I'm doing this! I always wanted to do a master's but it was just a "maybe one day" kind of thing. Through the whole process, I felt like I was just going "let's just do this bit and see what happens"- let's just attend the open evening and see how I feel, let's just put an application in and see what happens, let's just quit work and see how things work out. Then, before you know it, here I am a month into my studies and it's all very real! I'm going to be writing more detailed posts on this over the next few months but I'm really enjoying it. Of course it's hard work, and relentless in its demands, but it's fascinating and feels so good to be studying again!
November is a very, very busy month! I have one theatre trip, two holidays (both of which are destinations on my list) and a whole load more exciting things coming up. I can't wait!
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