
365 IV

22 These berries might not be aesthetically pretty, but I like them for some reason.
 23 Such a wonderful day!
 24 I really love old books!
25 My ASOS fortune cookie. 
26 Taking some photos for an upcoming book review.
27 Fuel for your furry friend!
28 Just booking our wedding...


  1. I love a fortune cookie! Even thought they taste of absolutely nothing there's something about the novelty of it that never gets old.

    Sorcha x Bright Field Notes

  2. I love the berries! Without sounding too arty farty they remind me of a tour I did at the National Gallery. They talked about Van Gogh's Sunflowers and how the blooms were each at different stages of their lifecycle - some not yet bloomed, others in full blossom and other decaying and dying :) Beautiful!

    1. That's interesting- I never knew that. I'm not a Van Gogh fan. More into Postmodern sculpture myself :)

  3. You are going to marry? Fantastic :D
    Old books are the best

  4. Oh my gosh, wedding booking!! Eeeek! x

  5. I was going to comment on the beautiful old books and then I saw the wedding booking picture and NOW I AM EXCITED TO BE A BRIDESMAID AGAIN!!x

  6. Hmmm, a holiday booking website... Vegas wedding I wonder? Either way, it's exciting!


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