
I love Rich because...

Earlier this month, Louise of Sprinkle of Glitter wrote a wonderful post dedicated to her husband titled I love you because... It was such a sweet idea that I knew immediately I had to borrow the idea myself. Within our friendship circle, it's widely understood that I wear the trousers in our relationship and, if I'm totally honest, Rich puts up with a lot from me. So, here goes.
I love Rich:

-Because he brings me food, drink and anything else I need so I don't have to get off the sofa.

-Because he has dinner ready for me when I get home from work.

-Because he puts up with my funny little anxieties, so he's always the person who calls the taxi company, answers the door and talks to sales assistants in shops.

-Because he will stay up late to keep me feeling safe when my mind decides to start panicking in the middle of the night.

-Because he doesn't get cross when I snap at him for no reason (usually because I'm tired and/or hungry!)

-Because he always knows exactly what to say to make me laugh.

-Because he doesn't moan when I stick my feet on top of his laptop for a foot rub.

-Because he lets me dress him up in museums.

-Because he constantly tells me how wonderful I look, even if I'm in dirty pyjamas with my hair unbrushed.

-Because I've never needed to hide shopping bags from him when I buy yet more clothes.

-Because he pretends he doesn't mind when I drag him around Lush and Topshop.

-Because he always lets me choose where to eat, what to watch and what to do.

-Because he supports me in everything I do, even the silly ideas.
Rich is the calmest, kindest and most patient person I know. I really do love that man and I'm so excited that I get to marry him in just over 2 months' time! 


  1. This is just beautiful! You make a lovely couple xx

  2. Aww how cute is this? You've definitely got it made there! It's nice to see a positive post written for positive's sake :) x

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I was a bit worried that it was too smushy but it looks like it's been received well.

  3. This is such a lovely post! I hate calling up taxi companies too. :)

  4. I'm excited you get to marry him in two months time! He sounds like a total keeper, just what you deserve xxx

    1. He really is a keeper! I don't think anyone else would put up with me, honestly!

  5. Aw, this is such a great idea! It's always nice to think of all the little things that add up to so much love :) xx

    1. There's so many reasons I love him, and it's mostly based around his total selflessness. Honestly, I'm a nightmare to live with!

  6. Aww this is just too cute of a post!

  7. This is so sweet! I love how down-to-earth you are when you talk about him--you can physically see the love.

  8. This is such a cute post! I can't wait for your wedding post to be up :)

  9. Aww this is lovely! Sounds like you got a good 'un alright :)

  10. Aww that's so sweet and super cute. What a good idea. Sometimes we can lose sight of things and it's nice to appreciate the ones we love in writing. Sounds like a lot of the same reasons I love my boyfriend, maybe not the laptop foot rub one though haha!

    1. It's so easy to get snappy with Rich and forget about all the great things he does for me!

  11. Such a lovely post Becky! xxx

    1. Thank you, Hannah! I'm so glad you liked it!

  12. This is such a sweet post <3 x

  13. Snap - I'm stealing this too, but I might hold on to it until our 5th anniversary!

    I conquer, those are a lot of the reasons I love Kris. I also wear the trousers too :)

  14. Aww this is lovely! Very very cute post, you both make a lovely couple and he sounds so nice!

    Might just try this myself sometime :)

    1. He is amazing (smush alert!). I'd love to read your own one!

  15. This is lovely! It's always me that has to use the phone in my relationship, but it's such a good idea to make these sorts of lists if only in our heads. Important to remember what we're grateful for!

    Emily x -

    1. There must be a "phoner" in every relationship!


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