Two weeks ago, I set up my first annual survey and I'm so pleased with how many of you took it. Huge thanks to everyone who did so. The results have been really helpful and will help me shape and develop Becky Bedbug so you get more of what you like.
I thought those of you who took the time to take the survey- and probably also those who didn't- would be interested to see the results and how I'm going to use these in the future. Let's take a look. My images are not to scale, by the way. I'm not that clever! Oh, and some of the results may not add up to 100%, since some questions allowed more than one selection.
The vast majority of you (80%) like my adventure posts the most. This makes me happy as they're some of my favourite posts to write! My outfit posts are also popular, with 40% of the vote, and beauty brings up the rear with 25%.
I was surprised to find out the results of my most popular posts. I wasn't shocked to see Becky Reads Company in the top 3, with 52%, but I had no idea my Day in the Life posts were so popular! A huge 70% chose this as one of their favourites. My Friday Favourites posts also proved popular with 44%. The remaining topics are, in order:
- Book reviews (42%)
- 101 in 1001 (34%)
- 365 (29%)
- Month in review (27%)
- 100 Happy Days (18%)
The answers to this question were so heartwarming. I have to admit, I got quite emotional reading them. Thank you so much to everyone for your kind words! My favourite comment was Becky is fun, quirky and gramatically correct. You guys know how to please me!
58% of you mentioned my personality, which pleased me no end. I remember trying really hard to consciously inject my personality into my posts and I'm so glad it comes across now. Hooray!
This was the big one for me. I want to give you more of what you want, so this was the most important question. The one that popped up most frequently was fashion posts; Not just OOTDs but also more general fashion-based posts. As I started this blog with the intention of being a personal style blogger, this is something I really want to include more of. A lot of people also mentioned more adventures and I have good news: My summer is absolutely jam-packed, so you will definitely be getting what you want! It was interesting that several people asked for more personal opinion posts. These are the posts that are the scariest for me to write and publish, but they're always so well received that I will try to be brave and write more. I'm also excited to write a lot more posts based around reading and books, other than my usual Becky Reads Company and book reviews.
Other suggestions included advice and tutorials, wedding posts and quite a few people asked for more Day in the Life posts. At the moment, I prefer keeping them to one a month but I will definitely bear that in mind, especially over the summer. Keep an eye out for my special Florida editions in August!
The other questions were used to help me understand who reads my blog, how people are discovering my blog and how/when they read so I can make it more user-friendly and reach out in the right places.
Social media/ Reader platforms
A whopping 92% of you follow me on Bloglovin' which is great as I recommend Bloglovin' to everyone! 69% follow on Twitter, 41% on Instagram and 32% on YouTube.
Discovering Becky Bedbug
Not surprisingly, a whole chunk of you (50%) found me on Twitter, and 22% specifically mentioned Twitter chats. I do spend a lot of time on there! Other blogs also directed a lot of people this way, with 38% of the responses (Leona also got a little shoutout).
Reading Becky Bedbug
43% of you read in the evening, followed by 26% in the morning, 21% at lunchtime and 8% in the afternoon. Of those who read whenever a link pops up, 64% wait for me to pop up on Bloglovin' and 29% look out for a Twitter link. A couple of you also said you visit directly to check for updates.
43% of you read in the evening, followed by 26% in the morning, 21% at lunchtime and 8% in the afternoon. Of those who read whenever a link pops up, 64% wait for me to pop up on Bloglovin' and 29% look out for a Twitter link. A couple of you also said you visit directly to check for updates.
Nearly all of you (82%) read at home, although there were a naughty 14% who read at work!
61% read my blog on a PC or laptop, with 23% on a mobile and 15% on a tablet. I have received a suggestion to make my blog more mobile-friendly, and this is something I'm looking into.
61% read my blog on a PC or laptop, with 23% on a mobile and 15% on a tablet. I have received a suggestion to make my blog more mobile-friendly, and this is something I'm looking into.
It's always really interesting for me to see just who is reading my blog. Most of you are actually younger than me with 79% of you under 25! (Yeah, ok, I'm only just under 25 but still!). 87% of you are UK-based, like me, although I also had responses from Ireland, Greece, Canada and Czech Republic. Hello! Finally, every single person who took the survey was female.
Phew! This was a fun post to write. I'm the sort of loser who loves statistics so I've found it really interesting, and I can use these results to make my blog a bigger, better place! A huge thank you to everybody who took the survey. You're all superstars!
The results are pretty awesome. Girl, you're on the right track!
ReplyDeleteThis is brilliant, it's really interesting to see who all is reading and where they're from.
ReplyDeleteAlso, that was me with the grammatically correct comment - glad you liked it, haha! Honestly, though, keep on doing what you're doing because this is absolutely one of my favourite blogs to read. Always cheers me up :)
Haha well thank you for giving me a comment that made me chuckle out loud! Thank you so much for this comment. It's so lovely to read things like this!
DeleteOh, this is interesting to see! I love how you've shown all your results. You definitely deserve all the good feedback that you received!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!