
Book Landing Page Reveal!

As I've mentioned once or twice over the past couple of weeks, I am writing a book! Of course I am super duper excited and want it all done now now now but it's taking some patience (unfortunately!)
However, in the meantime, I have written up a landing page with all the information about my book. Whenever there is an update, it will go up on the page so all the details will be in one place.

However, if you want to know the information before anybody else, you can sign up to my book mailing list. Every Monday there will be an update that will only go out to subscribers so you'll be a week ahead of the pack. There'll also be behind-the-scenes snippets like sketches of book designs, my writing routine and information on the resources I'm using. If you're interested, there's a sign up form on the book landing page.

Things are starting to get real!


  1. This is so exciting Becky! I've just signed up to the mailing list! Xx

  2. I feel like you've missed a trick with the hashtag. It should be #bookybedbug

    Lisa | Not Quite Enough

  3. I'm so excited for this! Can't wait to see more :) x

  4. Can't wait for it to be released! xx

    Dara | Hola Darla | @DarlaOct


I read all comments and appreciate every single one, even if I can't always reply. If you have a question or need a reply, feel free to tweet me @BeckyBedbug- I always reply to tweets!

Blog Design by Get Polished | Copyright Becky Craggs 2017