
Ask me anything!

I've had this little blog for almost 16 months now, and my FAQs have pretty much stayed the same throughout. So I figure now is the time to update them.

If you have anything you want to know, anything at all- about my style, blog, career, love of Alan Rickman- let me know, either in the comments or by emailing me at the address on my contact page. 

Even if I don't end up using your question on the FAQ page, I will answer every single one. So get shooting! 


  1. Hey Becky!
    I'm training to be a teacher to :)
    Do you find it hard balancing blog life and a full time job in the non-internet world?
    You seem to do so well!

    Day Dreams & Daisy Chains

    - Kelly!

    1. Great question! I'll put this in the FAQ :)

  2. Hey Becky love your blog!

    Im totally new to blogging and the community alike and as a male fashion blogger I dont have the instant connection some other bloggers develop,
    So im wondering whats your tips on breaking into the community for a total novice
    Boy In Brogues

    1. This is a really good question. I'll put it in the FAQs next week, so look out for it!

  3. I just wanted to agree with you re the lushness that is Alan Rickman! Yummy! What is your fave Alan film? x

    1. Haha that's a great question! And difficult to answer. I won't say Harry Potter because that's just a given. I'm very, very fond of Sweeny Todd. I think that's my favourite. What's yours?

  4. Haha this is an easy question for me to answer because I hate flip flops, and I have 4 pairs of wellies! They're more practical and they come in such cute designs to brighten up gloomy days :)

  5. I learn to be a teacher too. And i like your blog very much :)
    If you remember to your beginning with your blog...It's sometimes hard if you spend time to post anything and nobody comment it.

    How can you motivate yourself to go on?


I read all comments and appreciate every single one, even if I can't always reply. If you have a question or need a reply, feel free to tweet me @BeckyBedbug- I always reply to tweets!

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