So, here we are. Company has ceased publication (however much they try to dress it up as an exciting new journey in online media) and we have the final Becky Reads Company. Except, no we don't, because I didn't get to write a post for September's issue before jetting off. Hooray! Here's the plan: I will post October's first because, you know, it's current and that, then I'll post September's as a bonus post next month. Good plan, Batman? Awesome!
Oh, by the way, don't think that because this is the final issue, I'll be all nice and soft. If, by some miracle, they managed to pull out an amazing, fully-proofread issue, they'll show that they were capable of it all along, were just being lazy and therefore deserved to go out of print.
The Good
A great article about whether 16-18 year olds should have the right to vote. Personally, I do think they're too young but, at the same time, I remember being desperate to vote in the 2005 general election when I was 16. Although the author is very young herself, and makes some very sweeping generalisations about what the average 50 year old politician knows, it's an interesting debate. (p. 51)
This skirt will be entering my wardrobe whether it wants to or not. (p. 62)
I love seeing some interior style featured. More fashion magazines should include interiors (p.68)
The Bad
"Life is a journey; a twisting, turning, no-idea-what-is-around-the-corner journey but if you face it knowing you've done your best [and] tried your hardest...well then you've won" (p. 9). Yeah, that attitude doesn't really work in a lot of careers. "But I've done my best". Congratulations, now do your job properly.
I'm torn here because I love Kayla Hadlington, but she's already been in Company. It would be nice if they'd let somebody else have a turn since, you know, they won't be able to now. (p. 35)
"Millie Mackintosh's style blog is bookmarked at Company HQ". You know what would be great? The name of that blog. (p.42)
"Before Instagram, one man paved the way with stunning styled photos". Wait! Photography existed before Instagram? You're kidding, right? (p. 43)
Alfie Deyes annoys me. I don't know what it is about him, but he just annoys me. This whole article, with stupid questions like "How many times a week do you sneeze?" from people with Twitter handles like @AlfieZoella4eva (I made that one up) is eye-roll-worthy. (p.86)
The Ugly
"Fashover". I have no words. (p. 42)
Ooh, look. A capital letter in the middle of a sentence. (p.45)
"The dream? Is for the brand..." Yeah, that question mark is totally redundant. (p.53)
"Fash tips". "Fash points". Just stop. (p. 61)
Well, that's it. I'm not going to lie, that was thoroughly anti-climactic. I was hoping Company were going to go out with a bang but I guess not. Just another mediocrity to add to the list.
Although I thought it was good to introduce some politics with the "Too Young to Vote?" I found it really disappointing that there was no mention of the fact that 16 and 17 year olds in Scotland will be voting in the Independence Referendum next week, arguably a far bigger decision than a general election. I know that the writer is young but it just showed a total lack of research.
ReplyDeleteThink I'll miss your posts more than the magazine itself!
This is very true! I'm going to miss writing these posts.
Deleteha! you had me at 'fashover' x
ReplyDelete// The Dress Diaries
It really annoyed me the way they just made up words like that.
DeleteAgreed. Company is tosh. Maybe that redundant question mark could be used in the introduction to the article about Scottish independence?
ReplyDeleteHaha this is why I like you!
DeleteThank god you read Company for me because I just cannot take it with the majority of women's magazines anymore. I would be interested in the article about young people voting though. I'm fascinated to see what the participation of this group is in the Scottish referendum. I was really excited to vote when I turned 18, but I'm pretty sure I was in the minority. I hope I am wrong though xo
ReplyDeleteI sacrifice myself for the good of bloggers everywhere!
DeleteI was really excited too. I remember the general election in 2005, and being really frustrated that I was 17 so I couldn't vote. When I finally got to vote in a general election, it was the most exciting thing ever. I can't wait until next year!
A bit like yourself, I was totally underwhelmed by the final issue - usually I can feed off a Company magazine for days, reverting back to it countless times to get my fix, however this was certainly not the case with this one. On a lighter note: OMG you eyed up that Dorothy Perkins red skirt too!? It's GLORIOUS <3
ReplyDeleteClaire xo
We can both buy it and be skirt twins!
DeleteI am going to miss these posts - easily the best thing about Company! And Alfie Deyes annoys me too... especially this new 'book' he's written ripping off Keri Smith, grrr.
ReplyDeleteMegan x
London Callings
It's so blatant!
DeleteI actually quite like Company, I feel it's perfect for a slightly younger audience who are just getting into reading magazines and fashion in general. But yeah some words such as 'fashover' are a bit cringey
ReplyDeleteThe Makeup Directory
I love the concept and the vibe of the magazine, but they lost a ton of readers through a lack of written quality.
DeleteWhen I heard they were going out of print the first thing I thought of was 'Becky reads Company'. Oh how I will miss this.
Haha I got so many tweets that day!
DeleteAwww no I'm going to miss this at least we have one more to look forward to though :). However I think Company will be far more suited to the online world they make so many references that will be more appropriate to the digital world…maybe xx
This is a very good point!
DeleteAw I love Company but the mistakes were shocking! Here's to hoping the online one is better!
Unfortunately, I doubt it!
DeleteI'm not gonna miss Company, but I will miss your posts! I feel like Company's changed over the years - and I don't think its just because I've got older. Back in the day, it was cool and edgy, and as an 'alternative' kinda girl, I loved reading it. The music section was great, I remember them having a monthly page where a music writer/blogger/someone generally involved in music would take over the page. There are bits I still love - Gem's column is always a fun read, and I like how a lot (not all!) of their fashion is affordable.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I do like how they've championed bloggers, I feel like it's only really been a certain 'type' of fashion-specific blogger that they've really given the spotlight too. It's a shame, as the 'old Company' attitude would have been much more accepting of a wider range of bloggers that didn't look like they've just walked off an Urban Outfitters shoot. And I don't get the obsession with YouTuber culture all of a sudden - what happened to the cool, quirky Company? They definitely wouldn't have fawned over Alfie Deyes and the like. I guess it's not my target audience though...never mind.
I might buy this issue just for old times sake, but I think online is a better option for them now. This has turned into a bit more of an essay than I was expecting...
Milly // Mini Adventures
I remember that music section- That was great. I definitely agree about the way it's changed over the years. It's really sad.
Deletehaha you always make me laugh with these and I agree with every word!! the whole 'Zalfie' thing does my head right in and I think putting Alfie in a magazine like Company is a very wrong move (not that it matters now like)... Zalfie's target audience are pre and early teens yet Company seemed to aim their magazine at 17+ girls. And as for not giving anyone else a turn, well a lot of mags & brands are guilty of that! In this industry it's not what you know it's who you know; Kayla is probs mates with the former editor or something!
ReplyDeleteJade x
Beauty Butterfly | UK Beauty Blog
Such a good point about the target market! I didn't even think of that- What a strange decision!
DeleteSuch a shame company has ceased publication. I loved the retro company, the way it was a few years back. The new design wasn’t my thing. Personally I think its fair to say people are reading more on ipads, computers etc more now. Great post! :-) xx
ReplyDeleteHelen | Helens Fashion & Beauty Blog
I never liked the redesign either. It felt like a cheap supplement to me.
DeleteYeah I can't say I was really impressed with this issue. Saying that, I also got Cosmo and I wasn't blown away either. Awkward!
ReplyDeleteIndia / Touchscreens & Beautyqueens
Must be a Hearst epidemic!