Take a good look at these two photos. They're clearly of the same person but the difference between them is immense. They were taken just two years apart.
The photo on the left was taken in July 2004. I was 16 and had just left school. I had my first boyfriend and was looking forward to starting my A-levels. My wardrobe was made up of bright, bold colours to reflect my hippy-loving personality.
The photo on the right was taken in August 2006. I've lost a lot of weight. My skin is terrible and my dermatillomania has flared. I'm now wearing nothing but red and black since I've turned to emo as I relate to the music and culture. The biggest change for me is that my eyeliner-caked eyes are now dead. They've lost the excited sparkle that they used to have.
What changed between these two photos?
I have chosen to password protect this post but you can read it here. I should also mention that it could be a trigger, although obviously I can't mention what for here. Get in touch with me on Twitter for the password- I'm happy for everybody to read it and my reasons for protecting it are explained in the post. Please feel free to share this post- and the password- to anybody who it may help. Whether on social media, your own blog or word-of-mouth, please do share as I hope it can help other people who have been in this situation.
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