
Charity of the Month // Alzheimer's Society

This month, I was unsure what to choose for my montly charity spot. I asked Rich his opinion and he suggested the Alzheimer's Society as he's a big fan of Terry Pratchett. As many of you will know, the author sadly died in March after being diagnosed with dementia 8 years ago but this is a disease that affects 850,000 people in the UK. Unfortunately, Pratchett's illness is far from unique.

There are 100 forms of dementia, the most common of which is Alzheimer's and, despite the name, the Alzheimer's Society raises money to help the lives of those living with all forms of dementia and to support research into the illnesses. Although many people think of dementia as an "old person's disease" (and it's true that 1 in 6 over-80s will be diagnosed), there are currently 40,000 young people in the UK with dementia. 

Most people will know that dementia affects the memory and that it's a progressive illness with no cure, but it also affects their mobility and ability to communicate. In the later stages, sufferers become trapped in their body, unable to move or speak, becoming increasingly distressed and sometimes suffering from hallucinations. They are prone to infections and blood clots which the body finds more and more difficult to fight off. Although cause of death varies wildly, it is often a result of these physical illnesses brought on by the body's progressive weakness.
What can we do to help alleviate the suffering of those diagnosed with dementia? The Alzheimer's Society has a huge range of ways to get involved, from taking parts in events such as their flagship Memory Walk and supporting campaigns to volunteering at memory centres and training to become a Dementia Friend. Of course, if you prefer to donate, you can do so online or via text or visit the Alzheimer's Society Shop where you can buy a range of gifts such as this Orla Kiely flask and help raise money for the charity.

As well as helping the lives of people currently living with dementia, money raised by the Alzheimer's Society also funds research into the cause, cure and prevention of the illness. With this research, the Alzheimer's Society intends to improve treatment for people today and find a cure for tomorrow. 


  1. I didn't know you could train to become a dementia friend, I am going to look into it. My husband's nan has had alzheimer's for a quite a few years now and it's sad to see her go from being the crazy, chatty, happy person she was to being quite withdrawn and frail lady she is at the moment. It's nice to see the The Alzheimer's society does such a variation of things, it's nice to think research will find a way to stop or slow down the disease but it's also good that there are ways we can support those at the moment that are going through this. Definitely a worthwhile charity.

  2. Yess, great choice! My Grandma has Alzeimers so this charity is quite close to my heart. :)

    Frankie x

  3. Lovely choice! I sometimes think Alzheimer's gets overlooked. My nan suffered from it and it had gotten really hard to watch her not remember any of her family but I think this charity are amazing, they really help make things easier.


  4. Alzheimer's is such a heartbreaking disease, my Grandad suffered until the end of it & my Uncle is now no longer coherent. It affects so many of us, it deserve all the support it can get. Excellent choice!

  5. Amazing charity, and an excellent one to pick. I love Pratchett and I was very sad to hear of his passing. Such a horrible disease.


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