
Charity Shopping

Jumper: Topshop
Skirt: Go Follow Rabbits
Shoes: Tesco

Today we had a lovely trip to the charity shops. It turns out that one of the shops has the most wonderful light so we ended up taking my outfit photos there. I have a bit of a goofy face in this photo because I was right in view of the front door and a family was just walking through. I was well aware that I looked like a crazy person posing in a charity shop!  
 It was a horrible, rainy day so I went the complete oppositeway and wore as many bright colours as I possibly could. I love this jumper and the shoes are pretty much my new favourite thing, but more on that tomorrow. 
I found this super cute adorable pig, which is a perfect companion for this one that I bought a few weeks ago. And this little plastic one too. I think I'm going to end up building quite a collection of these Japanese piggy banks. 
I guess today was the day of the pig. I didn't buy this one but he's a pretty cute little fella. 

I hope your weekend is off to a good start! 


  1. Cute skirt!

    Sita xx

  2. Your skirt is so pretty, I really love the cute little pig you got too! xo

  3. I love your skirt becky! Super duper cute!

  4. Ooh your home is near mine!

  5. That skirt is fabulous!!

    I need to visit my charity shops soon for a good rummage, it's been a while! I started a wee owl collection thanks to charity shops, once my camera is working I might do a post showing them off! :)

    1. Aaw you should do that- I'd love to see them!

  6. Love all the hearts!

  7. i actually really really REALLY dig your background. What better than a bookshelf? :D

  8. Excellent setting!! I wish my boyfriend would consent to take my outfit photos in a charity shop but he can't stand people looking at him when he does :(
    I love your skirt :)

  9. Pigs! I love my polka-dotted piggy bank, his name is Alfred Pennyworth (geddit? GEDDIT?)

  10. Love this look :) That skirt is great great. I like that you dressed up in bright colors on a dull day --that's a good idea :)) Also, that Japanese piggy bank is sooooooooooo cute. waaah i need to go thrift shopping soon XD

  11. I love charity shops! I'm so desperate for my daughter to get that bit older so we don't need the buggy to go for a look around them, it's just too hard atm (small town charity shops are not baby friendly). Your outfit looks amazing too as does that wee piggy bank, my mum once had one really similar until my sister dropped it! Bye bye piggy :(

    Amy x


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