
Red Nose Day

As someone who loves any excuse to dress up and have fun, I've been spoilt rotten this fortnight. First we had World Book Day, then we had Red Nose Day. Luckily for me, I work in an awesome school that tends to pull the stops out for special days like this. 
My class decided to go for a pyjama party theme. Most of us wore onesies, including me (of course!) and my amazing teaching assistant (who is pretty much the most awesome person I've ever worked with!).

We had a space hopper race in the pouring rain. Which was fun at first. Then my hands slipped off the handles and I bounced right off and over the space hopper, landing on my knees into a huge puddle on concrete. My knees were soaked all day! 

Still, it was worth it for such a fun day! 


  1. That looks amazing. Your onesie is the coolest!

    Amy x

  2. I want that hoodie, it's super cute!

    - Zeinab,

  3. It sounds like so much fun! Sometimes you just need to jump in puddles ^_^


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