
What's in my bag: Work edition

Dinosaur bag: Cath Kidston
(Clockwise from top left)

It always helps to have a notebook on hand to jot down any ideas I have, or even just to doodle when I need to pass some time. It turns out this is pretty redundant though, as I discovered I don't have a pen!

Diet Pepsi
Trust me, it's Pepsi. We only happen to have Diet Coke bottles at the moment. Yes, I have two bottles. I never finish them both, as you can see here, but I like to have an extra just in case I have a thirsty day!

Lunch Box
Rich bought me this cute little lunchbox. It looks even more vintage now that the image is starting to fade from washing, but it was brand new when I got it. 

Ticket Holder
This is an essential for me. I travel by train every day so I need somewhere pretty to keep my railcard and tickets safe. 

Blog notes
The commute is a perfect time to jot down my latest ideas and plan future blog posts.

Silica gel
Erm... yeah. Not to much to say about this.

Plastic bracelet
One of the children in my class made me this. I kept it on my lanyard until it fell off and, since then, it's lived in here.

Meccano pieces
I keep my bag in the same cupboard as the Meccano box. That stuff spills everywhere! 

Train tickets
I try not to let them build up in the bottom of my bag but, somehow, they do. 

Lemsip tablets and plasters
For the bugs that go around school, and the times I walk into the small tables and chairs!

Creme Egg wrappers
Hometime snacks!

Burt's Bees Lipbalm
Lipbalm is an essential for me wherever I go. There's nothing worse than dry, cracked lips. 

Hand Cream and Hair Oil
These were both free gifts in magazines that I put in my bag and then forgot about. I've never even opened them yet! 

Kid's Drawing
This was drawn by one of the girls in my class last year. I love that children are so sweet and affectionate. I'm always getting little drawn gifts like this. 

Clothes Peg
This is actually a business card that I was given by a vintage shop. What a unique idea!

Phone and iPod

They're all loose because they fell out of the packaging, pictured above with a tube of Superglue stuck to the side of it. Yep.

Lots and lots and lots of receipts.

Don't worry, I cleared out my bag after taking this photo! 


  1. omg I want that dinosaur bag! <3

  2. This is so funny... but I'm scared at what is in my bag hahahaha


    1. I was pretty scared before I did this too!

  3. Hi wow you manage to fit all that in the bag - impressive. The bag design look really nice. xx


  4. I'm doing this for a video for my youtube channel in a couple weeks! I'm pretty excited. Yours is so fun :D

    xo Ashley

  5. I've got the Neal's Yard hand cream that came with Marie Claire in my bag too. It's nice, but wouldn't pay £10 for it! xx

    1. I haven't actually opened it yet haha!

  6. Love your bag, such a cute design!

    Sita xx

  7. What I love most is the fact you have kept all the random stuff in your bag, most people take them out before photographing.

    I have that hand cream too in my bag, it's amazing so you should open it. I also carry lempsip tablets and plasters.. I have my blog note book in my bag at all time too.

    Lovely post :) love your bag!

    Amy x cocktailsinteacups.com

    1. Haha yeah, I thought it was best to be honest! I keep forgetting it's there!

  8. I love your bag it's the cutest ! What a lovely post idea I might do one of those !

    Charlie xx

  9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your bag!!! xo


  10. loooove your bag. And you are like the packing queen, how do you fit all of that in there?! My bags are basically just filled with receipts and chewed bic pens. ;P

    1. Haha I have a set way to fit everything in. One mm out and suddenly the bag won't close!

  11. That bag would make my life right now! So much of cuteness!

  12. I love the bee organic hand cream I also got it in marie claire magazine its very nice and softening but has the most uplifting smell of oranges my fav hand cream :D x


    1. I haven't tried it yet. I really should!

  13. I really need to but I keep forgetting!

  14. Quite possibly my favourite 'What's in my Bag?' post yet. My favourites have got to be the bracelet and the drawing. The Meccano pieces is a great touch too haha. xx

  15. Haha I'm totally not a neat person!

  16. I adore the lunchbox and I agree, I can't live without lipbalm. Am hoping to try the Burt's Bees one next



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