
A Day in the Life of Becky: May

This month, I have a super-special Bristol edition! Woohoo! I'll post a proper recount of mine and Leona's Oh! Bedbug Day of Fun tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled! 

8am Straight out of bed and getting ready for the big day ahead! 

9am Waiting for the bus.
 10am A long train journey ahead of me so plenty of time to read, read and read some more.
11am Beautiful countryside en route to Bristol. 
12pm Finally meeting Leona in real life (and I can confirm she's not a murderer) and eating a whole Nando's chicken. Ooh yeah! 
1pm Raiding Claire's Accessories. 
 2pm Beautiful details in Harvey Nichols
3pm A stunning walk up to the museum. 
 4pm The university building looks like Hogwarts! 
 5pm A steep, but pretty, hill. Luckily we were walking downhill! 
6pm An out of order postbox. Everything in Bristol is out of order.
 7pm Travelling home again after a lovely day.
8pm More reading on the train!  
9pm A much needed Pepsi after the long train ride home.
10pm Watching Eurovision. Greece were my favourite by far this year. 
11pm Yet more reading, then bed after a busy busy day. 


  1. i hope you enjoyed your trip to bristol - as you can see from my name its a place close to my heart :p did you venture to cabot circus? x

    1. We did! That's the Nando's we went to :)

  2. Woo Eurovision! This year was a tough one to guess the winner!
    Lovely post - I love the way you've depicted your day!

    Yinyin xx

    1. I had no idea that Denmark were going to win!

  3. lovely photos <3
    check out my latest post:

  4. Looks like an incredible trip!
    That green countryside is breathtaking.

    1. I know! I had no idea the countryside could be so pretty!

  5. Greece needed to be kicked off the stage, they were terrible!


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