

Jenni at Story of My Life has the most amazing project idea for May: A blog every day in May challenge with a prompt for each day. I blog every day already, but I love the idea of having a prompt to explore.

I won't do every day- Some days I post twice as it is, and I think adding a third daily post would be a tad extreme- and I might mix them up a little if I miss a really awesome prompt because of this. 

So the first prompt is What makes you uncomfortable? I have a fair few neuroses, so brace yourselves!

The sound of scissors snipping
I have a horrific phobia of Edward Scissorhands. Seriously. This manifests itself in all sorts of ways. I'm afraid of any sort of disembodied hand imagery (such as these jewellery holders), whisks, bushes shaped like animals... I did manage to force myself to listen to the soundtrack since I love Danny Elfman, but there is no way I can cope with that snip snip noise. It sends shivers down my spine! 

Seeing someone I vaguely know on the bus
This is awkward for everyone, right? You went to school with them 10 years ago but you don't talk to them today. Do you say hello? Smile vaguely? Pretend you haven't recognised them and stare out the window? I always plump for the latter!
Taking this prompt literally, I hate socks. Tights, I can cope with. For some reason, though, as soon as I put on socks, my toes get all clammy and stick to each other. Not pleasant! 


  1. I'm doing something similar to this, I didn't realise there were a few Blog Every Day in May things to choose from! I also share your hate for socks, if I can get away with not wearing them - off they go

    1. I don't think I even own a pair of socks haha!

  2. Ha I couldn't agree more on seeing people you vaguely know #awkward



  3. Aaaah you're so right about seeing people you vaguely know on the bus! I get ridiculously shy and awkward in that situation.

    1. Me too. I just pretend I haven't seen them!

  4. Hhaha I hate that moment when your on the bus. What about when you say bye to someone and then you go to leave but you walk the same way as them?
    Roxy's Box of Tricks  

    1. Haha yes! Or when you say thank you to someone for opening the door for you, and then you pass through another four doors and they hold each one open. "Thank you" "Thank you" "Thanks" "Ta"


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