
Rich the Stylist

As part of my word of May challenge, I'm finding inspiration in every magazine I read. In Company's High Street Edit, there was an article in which the boyfriend had to choose outfits. I thought it would be fun for Rich to do this. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of forgetting the night before and said "I think I'll wear my gingham dress tomorrow". Of course, Rich remembered this, and the next day he chose the gingham dress. Sigh. Maybe I'll try again in a few weeks. 
Dress: Ready Ruthie

I'm looking pretty Dorothy-esque here, don't you think?


  1. This is strange as I was just thinking about getting my boyfriend to do something like this - you read my mind Bedbug.

    You do look very Dorothy-esque, I love it! xx

  2. I dont think i would let my bf pick me an outfit. dress looks lovely on you. xx

    1. You should try it and see what he comes up with!

  3. I love the Dorothy-esqueness! I'd love to see what Rich comes up with when he's not playing off your ideas! But hey - it shows he pays attention eh haha :)

    1. I'm going to make him do it another day without letting slip first. You're right though, at least he listens!

  4. I just have an obsession with gingham dresses these days and yours just fanned it. Love love love it!


  5. I *love* this idea! I dread to think what Adam would choose, but I might actually try it! Gingham dress looks great by the way. Very Dorothy-esque indeed!xx

  6. That's such a cool idea!! Not that I have a boyfriend, but I'd find it hilarious to see what my male friends/ brothers would dress me in...!! xx


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