
365 71- 77

071 Yay sunglasses!
072 Post from China.

073 So happy to dig out my favourite cardigan ready for spring!

074 The daffodils are out! So exciting!
075 This is what I see when I'm taking outfit photos.

076 Is there anything better than curling up in bed with a book?
077 I found this very, very old original Penguin book at the train station! (In a book-sharing area. I didn't just steal someone's book!)


  1. There is a book-sharing area on the train station!?! That is the coolest thing I have ever heard!!! (yes all those exclamation marks have to be there!)

    I really need to re-read 'All quiet on the Western front'.

    1. Yep! It's a great idea but the books are RUBBISH! I mean, who wants to read the Welsh legislation codes on drugs? Yep, that's a real book up for offer!

  2. So cool to find such a battered Penguin :)
    Rosie x
    Every Word Handwritten

  3. Haha, loved the last comment.
    I'm really enjoying looking at everyone 365 projects, I should have definitely stuck it out!


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