
June in Review

My favourite outfit

I got a cute new River Island pinafore

My favourite shoes

Blue suede shoes a la Elvis. 

My favourite book

The perfect summer read. 

My favourite day out

Morris dancers in the rain

Other favourites
 My 25th birthday! 
A chronology in fancy dress
Lomography one, two and three

Word of the month review

My word of June was "Celebrate". I had a birthday tea, as you can see above, and I also celebrated one little thing each month (one, two, three, four). I didn't throw a party just because but I did have my birthday party. That still counts, right?


  1. this is such an awesome post- and that book looks good! xx

    1. It really is- You should give it a go!

  2. I loved this post, and it gave me an opportunity to catch up on your blog. I absolutely adored your "chronology in a fancy dress" post, it really showed the evolution of your style which has changed so much!

    1. Haha funny how you can even see the evolution with fancy dress!

  3. This is such a good post idea, I'm off to look through the posts I missed during the month!

  4. Ive just started reading that book :)


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