
4 easy popcorn flavours

I'm really into popcorn right now. I've experimented with popcorn twice before. Once, when I was in uni, my friend and I tried making sugared popcorn and it was just really dry and tasteless. The second time, Rich and I made it in the microwave in a plastic bowl. There must have been a reason for that. We're both intelligent people and I can't for the life of me work out why we couldn't have seen how that would end up. The inevitable happened, and I didn't try again for 4 years.

However, since popcorn has suddenly exploded as a crisp alternative, I've been trying the likes of Propercorn and Metcalfe's Skinny, and thought "Surely I can make my own". I loaded up on kernels and set out to create my own popcorn. Luckily this time, it went well and I started experimenting with different flavours.

The basic recipe
After a little bit of experimenting, this is what we've found works best. It's really, really easy. 
1. Pour a little oil in the bottom of a saucepan with a clear lid.
2. Set the hob on a medium heat.
3. Drop kernels in the pan. One small handful for each person should be enough. 
4. Listen and watch carefully- Leave it popping too long and your popcorn will burn! When the pan is more or less filled up, and you can only hear occasional pops, take it off the heat and wait for a minute before taking the lid off. 
5. If you are adding a topping, put it in the saucepan now, replace the lid and shake it all up. The leftover oil will help it stick. 

After we'd mastered this (it took longer than you'd think!), we experimented with different flavours. We made enough for two, so if you try these out, adjust accordingly. 

Sugared Butter Popcorn

As you pop your corn, melt 1 tablespoon of butter on a hob. When your popcorn is finished, pour your melted butter into the popcorn saucepan. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar and shake it on up. 

Nutella Popcorn

Trust me when I say this is the greatest thing known to man! Melt 1 tablespoon of Nutella in a pan with 1 tablespoon of butter. Drizzle it over your popcorn and shake it up until it's all covered. Leave in the fridge overnight so it hardens like a delicious Nutella popcorny crispy cake. It's divine! I think I'm going to add some melted marshmallows next time!

Chocolate Cinnamon Popcorn

This is more of a winter flavour, and it does feel odd to be eating cinnamon when summer is fast approaching. I melted together 1 tablespoon of butter with 50g of milk chocolate, and then mixed it with the popcorn along with 1 teaspoon of golden sugar and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.

Peri Sea Salt Popcorn 

Not everyone has a sweet tooth. In fact, some of my favourite popcorn flavours are savoury (sour cream and chive is amazing!). For Nando's goodness, we just added 1 teaspoon of peri salt and 2 teaspoons of sea salt. It's surprisingly good! 

The best thing about popcorn is that, after it's made, I can decant it into sandwich bags to take to work in my lunch box. I feel so cool pulling out my bag of popcorn in the staff room! 

By the way, if you enjoy reading my blog and would like to see me up for a Cosmopolitan Blog Award, you can nominate me for Best Lifestyle Blog here. I'll send virtual cake to everyone who nominates! 


  1. Good timing! I've been getting really into popcorn lately and everyone I work with seems to make their own so I keep meaning to but going for convenience - the idea of a Nutella flavoured popcorn batch may have pushed that idea forward though!

    Nicola //

    1. It's SO worth the effort of making your own!

  2. Fantastic. I've got a popcorn maker and have been looking for some new popcorn recipes but most of the ones ive found have seemed like they would only work if you ate them straight away and not for taking to work.

    The Girl Who Looks Like a Cake

    1. A popcorn maker? That sounds like the best thing!

  3. I LOVE popcorn!! I so want to make my own!! I might have to try this, so maybe expect some agree tweets when it doesn't work haha

    1. Go for it! It took me ages to get it right so I think it's fine to expect some failures at first!

  4. I used to work at a fun food machine company and used to watch the popcorn machine demonstrations. Popcorn popped in a bag in the microwave is one of the healthiest snacks. I like to mix in sugar and cinnamon

    1. I love both sugar and cinnamon so together is perfect!

  5. :O that Nutella popcorn!! Great idea :)

  6. These all look amazing although the nutella one is really catching my eye!
    Water Painted Dreams xxx

  7. Chocolate cinnamon and Nutella sounds beyond perfect, hmmm! Thanks for the great advice!


  8. I've always been scared to make popcorn in a pan for some reason, but the Nutella one makes me want to try it!

    1. Don't be scared. It won't explode haha. Though it might not work at first so don't be put off if it doesn't go too well to begin with.

  9. I loooooveeeee popcorn so much it's my favourite thing! Salt and vinegar or sour cream and chive are my favourites. But popcorn at the cinema is always the best tasting! x

    1. Sour cream and chive is my favourite too!



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