
Word of May: Shoot

I love taking photos. I first bought my DSLR in April 2011, for no other reason than I wanted to take some interesting photos. I didn't have my blog then (although I think I was using Lookbook), so there wasn't that as an excuse. I found a second hand camera on eBay and used my student loan to buy it. Do any students use their loan for educational purposes?

I have definitely noticed a massive increase in my photographical skill since then. I wouldn't say I was a fantastic photographer by any means (in fact, photography is my main cause of blog envy!) but I've definitely improved. 

Even this year, with my 365 project, I can see a rapid improvement in how I compose my photographs. It's very exciting to see my skills develop and I want them to keep doing so. So, in honour of that, this month's word is Shoot. My targets are:
  • Shoot one roll of film
  • Finish and develop the 2006 disposable camera that I found in my childhood bedroom
  • Post to Instagram every day 
Wish me luck!

By the way, if you enjoy reading my blog and would like to see me up for a Cosmopolitan Blog Award, you can nominate me for Best Lifestyle Blog here. I'll send virtual cake to everyone who nominates! 


I read all comments and appreciate every single one, even if I can't always reply. If you have a question or need a reply, feel free to tweet me @BeckyBedbug- I always reply to tweets!

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