
My week in numbers

A couple of weeks back, Kaelah published a post called Our Weekend by the Numbers and invited her readers to play along. It seemed like a cute, fun post idea so I thought I'd join in with my own version! 

sushi dinners

different pairs of shoes worn

lie ins (Thank you bank holiday!)

2 cemeteries discovered by accident

3 new My Little Pony items bought

21 tablets taken (There's something going on with my ears)

186 pages read 

hours and 50 minutes spent on the train

By the way, if you enjoy reading my blog and would like to see me up for a Cosmopolitan Blog Award, you can nominate me for Best Lifestyle Blog here. I'll send virtual cake to everyone who nominates! 


  1. I went to YO! Sushi yesterday, Love it soooo much!

    Your shoes are gorgeous, I eye them up every time in Primark but I have super wide feet and they look pretty pants hahaaaaa.

    Kelly from | Daydreams & Daisychains

  2. I love this idea! So cute. And yes. Lie ins are the best xx

  3. I love 'By Numbers' posts, that was a LONG time to spend on the train!

  4. Really like this post, great idea you had :)

    Inês xo

  5. 1. Terrible photo of Becky's face that made us piss ourselves this weekend. X


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